Blood Moon

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Book: Blood Moon by Rebecca A. Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca A. Rogers
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Paranormal & Urban
this is my fault.”
    Ben whirls around and grabs my arm, hauling me forward until we’re nose to nose. “Careful,” he warns. “You’re putting ideas in my head, and once they’re in here”—he thumps his skull twice with one finger—“you better be prepared to handle the outcome.” He releases me, and I stumble backward.
    For the rest of the way to the Lowell home, Ben and I walk in silence. This is awkward, to say the least. We never have any problem communicating, and my rejection of his advances bothers both of us. Never mind that I can read his thoughts, as he can with mine, even though we’re trying to block out each other.
    The first image that appeared in his head moments ago was the idea I gave him. Thanks to me, he actually imagines us having a nice romp in the woods, leaves and dirt and who-knows-what-else stuck to our bodies. In his mind, I’m having the time of my life. In my mind, though, I succumb to his every fantasy, both in the forest and inside Fiona’s guest bedroom. We even christen the damn bathtub. And although I’m doing my best not to think about us together, I have to admit, it’s pretty tough. He’s just . . . right there, waiting for me to jump on him. Mine for the taking.
    Unfortunately, the problem with me is fear. A persistent trepidation floods my conscience every time he makes a move, one that has me clamming up. If I had experience in this field, I wouldn’t be worrying about us sleeping together. I know, of course, he and Ali were intimate, but I’ve never been that friendly with a guy—okay, third base is the max. I’ve just never been able to share my thoughts and feelings with someone on a more personal level. This is all new to me. I can only hope he’ll notice that.
    Ben sighs a bit too theatrically. “Of course I recognize you panic every time we kiss, or every time I touch you. I hate to say it, but it’s obvious you haven’t been with another guy.”
    “That’s because nobody was ever really interested in me,” I say. “I had boyfriends, yes, but they broke things off, since they either just didn’t like me or they found another girl. I was never really serious.”
    “Well, you are now, so get used to it.” Pushing all of his previous disappointment in me aside, Ben slips one arm around my waist, tugging me close. “C’mon, let’s go talk to Daciana and Ulric, or Alaric. Whoever it is.”
    We continue to keep our eyes open for the werewolf on the loose. Just because that disturbing, berry-picking woman is the werewolf whisperer doesn’t mean Ben and I have a natural talent to do the same. Something about her gives me the heebie-jeebies. No, scratch that—this entire town gives me the creeps. Had we known how dire the situation is here, would we have traveled back in time to save our ancestors?
    Breaking through the wall of saplings, Ben and I are welcomed by the old Peabody mansion, which we’ve been told is the current Lowell residence. Several of the wooden planks on the exterior of the home have been repaired, their color a stark contrast against the older beams, and the shutters on the windows are comprised of elaborate carvings. Even the front door boasts a stained-glass portrait of a woman with rays of light surrounding her head. I can only imagine what care they’ve given the inside.
    We advance down the dirt road winding directly through the forest. The Lowell residence looms over us, becoming almost colossal in size, and Ben and I rest before pressing onward. From where I’m standing, I notice the claw marks ingrained in the door. Now that will make for an interesting story, should someone ask how they appeared.
    “This is it,” Ben says. “We’ll actually come face to face with our ancestors. I know we’ve talked about it before, and that’s the purpose of our visit, but I think it’s just now hitting me. Shit just got real.”
    I roll my eyes and snap my fingers a couple of times. “Focus. Their fate,” I say, pointing at

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