Blood Bride (Aarabassa World)

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Book: Blood Bride (Aarabassa World) by Catherine L Vickers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine L Vickers
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boggy marshes that remained as they continued to weave in and out of the long thick grasses. This part would be difficult to navigate without a map, not that any record could map these marshes, they never remained static. Ever moving deep muddy pools made the way treacherous. Determined, was this little party of travelers. They had survived the enchanting dreams of the marshlands; they would survive the unpredictable moving lands. Slowly, with muddy feet, unsteady hooves and sore paws they plodded on. At one point Leon fell victim of an unseen brown pool of thick leafy sludge. With Frizzle and Jhapar tugging at his tunic with their bare teeth, bruised and bitten on his shoulders he managed to clamber up the edges of the pool.  Clinging onto Jhapars thin sturdy ankles for a hold, he pulled as they pulled and he eventually slipped onto safe land, exhausted. He lay there spitting out brown bubbles from his lungs, choking on bile and filth. He wanted to give in to his semi conscious state, but a constant nudge on his head would not let him sleep, his companions kept him moving. Frizzle had no bark left in him. He whined as he lay next to his master, pawing at Leon’s belly. Leon dragged himself up, praising his fellow travelers for saving his life. Onwards they marched together. 
    It was well into the moonsleep before they felt confident that they had put the marshlands behind them. Fatigued and beaten from the arduous journey, Leon slept a long dreamless sleep on the soft velvety grasses of the Crakion Plains. Frizzle at his back and Jhapar grazing until his belly felt fit to burst.

11                 Horse People
    The humans known as the Cherok tribes are the finest horse riders in all of the Lightlands.  They are a proud race of tall stature, dark skin and long dark hair, traditionally plaited with colourful cottons and beads, indicating their tribal status. Each colourfully decorated plait, indicates a full suncircle of their life. The older generations are well respected for their full head of colourful braids. The males do not develop the typical male hair on their chins and so remain clean-shaven throughout life. Equally, the elderly do not lose their head hair, as can be an indication of age in other humans. The specific colours indicate the tribe of their origin. Warriors mark themselves with tattoos telling the stories they wish to portray. A warriors arm can be covered in pictures of weapons to show he has fought and won many fights (usually tribal battles). A hunter will draw animals to show he has provided food for his people. A woman will take great pride in the drawing of children on her arms for each babe she brings into the world. Their hair and their tattoos represent their status in life, reading as an auto biography. 
    They also take great pride in their huge herds of wild horses and permit no other creatures to capture a wild horse from their lands. If they did they would be hunted down until the horse was returned, or stolen back again. Occasionally they trade one of their horses, but only with people or creatures that they know and trust. To the Cherok, the horse is a sacred beast. In one of their larger villages, they do not build cities, they run the School of Equestrian Skills for those who wish to learn good riding techniques. Students who attend are occasionally given a horse from their lands, but only if they prove worthy. 
    A female Cherok will ride upon the back of a wild horse whereas most Cherok adult males ride the backs of the larger and stronger centaurs, whom they will partner-up with for life.
    A centaur is an intelligent creature with the body and legs of a mighty horse but an almost human upper torso, arms and head. The centaurs live as neighbours with the human Cherok tribes. They are treated with the greatest of respect. Every village boasts a centaur herd amongst its occupancy.  Centaurs are considered their equals.
    * * *
    Leon awoke to a loud

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