Blissfully Broken
Crazed Lunatic
    Last night marked Jenny’s first evening
living with two men – an official ménage a trois. The night had
been an adventure of firsts that made Jenny’s loins quiver even now
at her work desk. The thought she would soon be going home to the
adoration of two passionate men was almost more than she could
handle, but handle it she would - dreams were made of this.
    Dan called her near the end of the day.
“How’s work going, Baby?”
    “Best Monday ever! And you?”
    “Have to say knowing I’m coming home to you
has made the day a thousand times better.”
    “I agree. I can’t wait to kiss you all over
when I see you.”
    “Don’t start or I won’t be able to leave my
desk without embarrassing myself.”
    She purred seductively into the phone, “Now
I am tempted to tease you.”
    He cleared his throat loudly and paused for
a second. “So... how did Ryan seem this morning?”
    She grinned to herself and let him change
the subject. “The same as us, excited about this new
    “I have to admit when he first proposed a
ménage I didn’t think it would work. I assumed he’d be too jealous
to let me touch you, but that hasn’t been the case at all.”
    “No, it’s like I’m getting to know Ryan on a
completely different level. I never thought he had a wild side to
him and I’ve been with him for years.”
    “Yeah, surprising how the combination of the
three of us seems to work well.”
    Jenny almost told Dan about the
strange scene at the apartment earlier that morning. She’d heard a
girl scream, followed by the angry squeal of tires and worried that
it might have been Kelly. After thinking about it all day long,
however, she chalked it up to her own paranoia and guilt.
    Ryan called just as she was turning off her
office lights. “Hey, Jen. Can’t wait to get home to you.”
    She smiled into the phone. “Me too,
    “Have you talked to Dan today?”
    Jen giggled, “He just called a few minutes
ago. I think he wanted to see how you were doing.”
    “What did you tell him?”
    “That we all seem to be on the same
    Ryan sounded relieved. “So he’s okay with
    “More than okay. He is chomping at the bit
to join us at home.”
    “Good. Then I’ll see you in a few, Boo.
Drive safely.”
    “Will do. You do the same.” She hung up the
phone and turned off the lights before starting the twenty-minute
drive to their apartment. She looked in her rearview mirror and
swore Kelly’s red Camaro was behind her. Soon the car was riding on
her ass. She slammed on her breaks to force Kelly to pull back, but
she kept right on her tail. What the hell, Kelly?
    Her ex best friend must have suspected the
three of them were living together now. It made sense that Kelly
was pissed. Jenny would be too if the tables were turned, but that
didn’t excuse her for driving like a fucking lunatic. She felt the
first shiver of fear when Kelly hit the back of her car. Although
it was only a tap, it proved that the woman was truly mental.
    Jenny sped up to avoid another collision and
almost crashed into the car in front when the vehicle slowed down
for a right turn. She quickly glanced in the rearview mirror and
saw that Kelly had disappeared. In her place was a cop’s flashing
lights. Jenny groaned and pulled off to the side of the road.
    “Miss, would you like to explain what you
were doing?” Jenny looked up and saw the same officer who had
stopped her once before. She started shaking, the endorphins
kicking in too late to do her any good. “You again!” he barked.
    Jenny bowed her head. Can this get any
worse? She begged her hands to stop trembling, but they shook
even worse and the officer noticed.
    “Get out of the car, now!”
    He made her walk a straight line on the
shoulder of the road and then touch her nose with her eyes closed.
Although she easily found her nose, her hands continued to shake
    “What’s wrong with you? Are you on

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