Blinding Light (The Bloodmarked Trilogy Book 2)

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Book: Blinding Light (The Bloodmarked Trilogy Book 2) by Alicia Deters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Deters
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calm. If you don’t have anger issues like you say, then it shouldn’t be a problem for you,” he said sweetly.
    He dodged the pillow this time. Barely. When he observed my expression, he doubled over in quiet laughter.
    “We should try to get some sleep tonight and head out first thing.”
    “You really can walk in the sun, can’t you?” I asked.
    “You only have the capacity to annoy me, not impress me.”
    “Yeah, you’re impressed. You’ve always been awed by my badassness.”
    “Wow, ego check, Gavin. Badassness? Really?”
    “You’re starting to rub off on me. And it’s not ego when it’s true. And before you try to deny it, I can sense your admiration, remember? Among other things.”
    “Ok, first of all, shut up. And secondly, you wish I would rub off on you,” I said seductively to try and unnerve him like he always did to me.
    “Very mature, Lucille. Haven’t I always told you not to be distracted by sex?”
    “Yes, but maybe you should take your own advice. You may be good at blocking me, but that connection is a two way street. And don’t get all high and mighty, preaching to me about maturity when you always rise to the occasion. Your thoughts are every bit as immature as mine, but you have this knack for playing the maturity card when we get too close to the truth.”
    “The truth about what, Lucy?”
    “You know exactly what truth I’m talking about. And one of these days we will have to have a mature conversation about the truth. But not tonight because I’m tired, and you’ve already wasted too much of my beauty rest.”
    I turned away from him, flipping on my side, but not before I caught the smile he was trying so hard to hide.
    “Goodnight, Lucille,” he said all too sweetly.
    He still had to have the last word, and he was using my full name to get under my skin. But all this talk about maturity made me want to prove that I was the bigger person. So I bit my lip and let him keep the last word, even though my middle finger was poised directly beneath the covers.
    When I woke the next morning, a sliver of pale light filtered through the window blinds. It was the light before the sun broke free of the horizon. I must have only gotten a few hours of sleep, but I was refreshed and ready to go.
    Aside from the growing hunger. My head pounded in sync with the sound of Clint’s heartbeat, and I had to force myself to focus on other things.
    The floor was empty, and the makeshift bed had converted back into a pile of folded blankets sitting on the miniature desk chair by the window.
    “Gavin?” I whispered.
    The low snicker came from the main living area. “I’m in the kitchen waiting on you, Sleeping Beauty,” he responded in an amused whisper.
    I crawled out of bed and reached for my jeans. When I pulled them up, I spied the color of grey in my peripherals. My bikini bottoms were grey.
    Dark grey . Interesting.
    When I met him in the kitchen, I was fully dressed and ready to go but had no clue where we were going. Presently, I knew we had to get somewhere fast before I took a bite out of our gracious host. As if on cue, Clint’s alarm went off, but before he could silence it, we were already out the door, locking it behind us.
    We walked side by side down the street. Gavin asked me about my time after I woke up. I told him how long it took before I came to, and I told him about Emily and the guy at the supermarket. He listened intently. Only a few times did his empathy leak through our connection. His eyes never once shown with anything but concern.
    I wasn’t sure what I expected to see. Maybe disgust. But then, I remembered that he took a similar path in life. I didn’t know the details, but I knew he’s also done things he regrets.
    I told him about my visit with Holly’s dad and how the cops wanted me gone. He agreed that we both needed to get out of town, but he suggested going to his place first for supplies.

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