Blackstone (Book 2)
this situation. “We believe…that the world itself may see war
very soon.”
    The room went abruptly still, so still that not even one
person could be heard breathing.
    Kim Ra Im leaned forward, the wooden floor creaking under
him in an alarmingly loud way. “Explain.”
    Siobhan started from the beginning, with the trade agreement
between the three guilds to rebuild the Grey Bridges, and ended with, “Orin is
now basically destitute. They are struggling just to survive. This situation
will not improve in the upcoming months. If anything, it will worsen. Fei tells
me that he’s seen this pattern before, many times, as he learned history. With
this kind of economic depression, Orin is like a wolf trapped in a corner.
Eventually, they will strike.”
    The historian let out a grim sigh. “I fear you are right. We
have, indeed, seen this pattern many times before. When a country is desperate
just to survive, they turn to war and pillaging their neighbors.”
    “But can they truly manage a united front?” Hyun Woo questioned,
stroking his beard with thoughtful fingers. His tone suggested he didn’t really
believe the idea impossible, he was just thinking aloud. “How many cities and
guilds will work together?”
    “The entire western coast, quite possibly the southern coast
as well,” she responded promptly. “The northern section of Orin doesn’t seem as
badly affected as the rest. Probably because your trade depends on the sea, and
was never based on the bridges to begin with.”
    Oh Jae Pyo splayed one hand in agreement. “That is so.”
    Sei Ja Na turned to the two men sitting beside her.
“Kim-zhi, Hyun-zhi, do you share Guildmaster Siobhan’s opinion? Do you think
this is likely?”
    Kim Ra Im gave a grim nod, looking blindly ahead. “It is not
a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’ My former student has read the situation quite
well, in spite of his inattention as a youngster.” The quick smile he shot Fei
suggested he was teasing more than reprimanding. “I am glad to know that something stuck. But yes, they are right to fear as they do. This is inevitable. We
simply do not know the timing.”
    Bo Sei Jin cleared his throat. “Siobhan-jia, when we spoke
earlier, you said that you wished to acquire knowledge, and that is why you
came. What knowledge?”
    “Strategy and battle tactics,” she responded promptly. “We
have no idea how to fight as a united front, as an army, or how to defend a
whole city. This world has not seen true war in centuries. But Fei tells me
that you, at least, have not forgotten how to do this. We need your expertise.”
    “You need more than that,” Hyun Woo disagreed. “I cannot
teach you everything you need to know in a matter of days, or weeks, or even
months. You need a strategist to go with you. At least one.”
    “A historian would not be amiss, either,” Kim Ra Im added
thoughtfully, head cocked slightly as he stared at her. “Perhaps others. We
need more detailed information from you before deciding.”
    That didn’t sound like if we decide to send people but more as if they had already made the decision already to do so. This abruptness
made her head spin. That was it? She didn’t have to argue with them, or
convince them, or charm anyone into anything? Fei hadn’t thought it would be
this easy. She shot him a quick look only to find he was just as surprised as
she was. He glanced at her with wide eyes and an almost imperceptible shrug as
if he found this ready decision just as baffling.
    Feeling that she had to clarify, Siobhan ventured, “Then…you’ll
let us borrow a few of your experts?”
    “Yes.” Kim Ra Im gave her a small smile in reassurance. “We
removed ourselves into these mountains many centuries ago, leaving the anarchy
of the world as the governments fell, because we feared that all knowledge
would be lost if someone did not preserve it. But would not all of that effort
be in vain if we do not use the knowledge we have to prevent

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