Black: Part 1

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Book: Black: Part 1 by Kelly Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Harper
fine place, and a dear friend.”
    “It’s good to meet you… Mr. Black, was it?”
    She holds her hand out to me and I cup it in mine, ever so gently.
    “To you, it’s Calvin,” I say, lifting the back of her palm to my lips and pressing a soft kiss into it. “And believe me, the pleasure is all mine.”
    She’s quick to mask it, but I catch the beginnings of an embarrassed blush showing on her cheeks.
    “Easy there, cowboy. This one is staying with me tonight,” Declan says, only half jokingly.
    She cocks an eyebrow at him.
    “So much confidence…” she teases. “What if I like Calvin, here, better?”
    For a split second Declan actually looks concerned, but it disappears just as fast, replaced by one of his cocky, smug looks.
    “Then it would be your loss,” he promises.
    The trickiest part about glad-handing with the VIPs is knowing when to excuse yourself. This playful flirting between the two of them, at my expense, is the perfect opportunity.
    I grin and clap Declan on the back, keeping my eyes locked on his beautiful date.
    “I can promise that what he says is true,” I tell her. “Unfortunately, I’m too busy to be much fun to anybody, tonight.”
    Her head tilts in a mildly dissatisfied way and she diverts her attention back to Declan.
    “Looks like you’ll get more time to impress me, after all.”
    “I can assure you he won’t disappoint,” I say, confidently, then turn to face my friend. “You’ll let me know if there’s anything you need, yes?”
    We grip hands one more time and he jerks his head in agreement.
    “Your people know just how to take care of me.”
    “Good. Let’s get together soon and catch up, it’s been too long.”
    He agrees that we will, and I take my leave. It won’t be long before the club really starts filling up, and I need to put in some more face time out in the primary rooms. It’s my job to make sure that my guests have a memorable experience at Club Addiction , and I’ve found that one of the easiest ways to make that happen is for the owner to be present and willing to impress.
    Call me a kiss-ass if you want, but business is good.
    But I’m not even able to make it out of the Parlor before I hear something that stops me dead in my tracks.
    My heart is suddenly pounding furiously in my chest. It feels like I just finished sprinting a marathon. That laugh, coming from the corner of the room…
    I take a couple slow, deep breaths before turning my head toward the table at the far end of the room. Sitting there is a couple that I’d first noted when I came in, but I hadn’t thought anything special of them, at the time. Now, I think differently.
    The rest of the world seems to melt away as I focus on that one, single table.
    I recognize the VIP sitting there, facing the center of the room. His name is Wade Foster and he’s one of my newest VIPs. He’s got a smug, little smile on his face, not completely unlike Declan’s. I know that kind of smile. I’ve used that kind of smile.
    The smile is directed at the girl sitting across from him with her back to me. But I don’t need to see her face to know who she is.
    It’s the laugh that gave her away.
    She’s the girl from all those years ago that still dances through my dreams every night. The only girl I’ve ever really loved. And the reason I’ll never love anyone else again.
    Sofie Bennett… What the fuck are you doing in my club?

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