Black Kat

Read Online Black Kat by Kirsten DeMuzio - Free Book Online

Book: Black Kat by Kirsten DeMuzio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio
simultaneously typed, answered a call and buzzed in a delivery man.  It was less than five minutes before Janice answered a buzz on her intercom and then stood.
    “Mr. Petrovsky will see you now.”
    Kat wanted to correct her.  It was she who would see him, not the other way around.  But she held her tongue, which was not something she did easily or often.  Blade looked up from where he lay comfortably on the thick carpet.
    “He can stay out here with me, if you like,” Janice said, leaning down again to pet Blade.  The traitor licked her hand and rolled over to get his belly scratched.
    Kat rolled her eyes.  Surely Alexander wouldn’t do her bodily harm in his office during broad daylight with Janice right outside the door.  “Okay,” she reluctantly agreed.  He did look happy there.
    The door to the left of Janice’s desk opened and Alexander appeared in the doorway.  He was tall and, though not overly muscled, Kat could see he was well built beneath his very expensive looking black suit.
    “Miss Rossi, I’m glad you came,” he said smoothly.
    Kat wiped her hands on her jeans and closed the space between them.  When she reached him, he stood back and gestured inside his office.  An office that was larger than her entire apartment.  One entire wall was made of glass and had a view of the Strip.  Kat imagined it would be breathtaking at night.  There was a sitting area furnished with black leather sofas and stainless steel and glass tables.  Against the far wall sat a massive black desk very much like Janice’s.  Beyond that was an open door, and Kat was able to catch a glimpse of a bathroom, decorated in the same clean modern lines.
    She wasn’t so busy being awestruck that she missed the large hulking man standing off to the side.  He had the same dark hair and eyes as Alexander, so they could be related, but that’s where the similarities stopped.  His face wasn’t nearly as handsome, and his nose had definitely been broken before.  Slicked back hair and an ill-fitting suit set him miles apart from the man who stood beside her.
    “Dimitri, you can go,” Alexander said firmly.  His voice was quiet, but with an undercurrent of hostility.
    Dimitri looked at Kat and narrowed his eyes.  “But Cousin, I saw her on the cameras.  She was talking to the Feds.  Downstairs.  In your lobby.”
    Alexander waved his hand dismissively.  “My business with Miss Rossi is not your concern, Dimitri.”  He walked farther into the room, clearly done with the conversation and expecting Dimitri to leave.
    Which he started to do, his dark beady eyes on Kat the whole way.   She turned her head to watch him as he passed behind her toward the door.  The instant his eyes drifted down her back to the slight bulge under her jacket where she had her gun tucked into her waistband, Kat’s body tensed.  He took a step toward her and raised his hand.  To take the gun?  To grab her arm?  Kat didn’t give him the chance to finish the movement.
    She grabbed his wrist and wrenched it backward while her knee connected with his groin.  In less than two seconds Dimitri was on the ground with Kat’s boot on his throat and the barrel of her gun pressed to his forehead.
    “Don’t move, asshole,” Kat snarled at him and pressed the cold steel farther against his head.
    The scene unfolding before him was not exactly how Alexander had expected his meeting with Kat to begin.  But it did underscore the very reasons he wanted to work with her.
    Dimitri’s big body lay curled in the fetal position with his hands cupping his crotch.  He stared up at Kat in shock.  Alexander stood where he was and calmly watched to see how Dimitri would get himself out of this one.  The view was a good one.  Kat’s tight jeans hugged her slight curves, and the boots and leather jacket did things to his libido that he hadn’t expected.  The women he spent his time with were polished and styled to perfection.  Yet, Kat, with

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