Black Desire

Read Online Black Desire by Karyn Gerrard - Free Book Online

Book: Black Desire by Karyn Gerrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Gerrard
wear pantyhose. Tristan's hand
trailed up her leg in a slow, sensual glide. With a strength she did not know
she possessed she sat upright, pushed Tristan back in a supine position and
straddled his hips. Oh God. To hell with
talking. She brazenly rubbed herself on that huge, straining prick of his
then laid kisses all over his handsome, rugged face.
he moaned.
    "I know. Please.
Just let me do this." She rode him like a carousel horse at the carnival,
moving up and down, mimicking the act of sex. His kisses grew as hungry and
aggressive as hers.
he croaked. "Talk—"
    "No, Tristan,
talk after. Right now I want this." She ground down hard on his cock.
"Inside me now, just like this." Katrina reached in the side pocket
of her dress. "This time I brought the condoms."
    Tristan laughed. A
hearty, husky masculine laugh which made her gush hot liquid between her
thighs. She lifted off him long enough to free his dick and roll the condom on.
She didn't hesitate. Katrina plunged down on his cock and found a rhythm that
had them both moaning. So glad she didn't wear underwear. God, he was inside
her so deep, he stretched her so wide, and it felt so good. If she could go
through life with the feeling of his cock stuffed into her like this, she would
be one damned happy woman. It didn't take long at all. She came immediately and
then she felt another climax building right after it.
    "Yes, Katrina,
come for me again, fucking scream." He slapped her ass in encouragement.
"Ride me, faster."
    Oh God, she was
bucking him like a wild bronco. Laughter burbled from her lips. Tristan began
to lift his hips upward to meet her back and forth frenzied movements.
    "Oh, oh
my—" she squealed.
    She did scream,
enough to rattle the windows, and Tristan's husky roar drowned her out. He
threw his head back, every cord in his neck strained with his release. She
couldn't catch her breath. It wasn't enough and she wanted more. What was wrong
with her? She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.
    Finally he pulled
away. Both of them were breathing raggedly.
    "Yes, sweeting.
I want more. I want to carry you up those stairs and make slow, passionate love
to you. I have so much to share and to give. All night. Pure pleasure and I can
give it to you." His finger stroked her cheek. "But I must insist—talk."
Tristan gently moved her off his still semi-erect cock. He arched an eyebrow at
her. "No panties, Katrina? Naughty, naughty minx. You intrigue me. I will
be just a moment."
    She watched as
Tristan left the room, his jeans barely pulled up over those muscular, slim
hips. He was one to talk, going commando himself. Talk about naughty, he oozed
it from every pore. She pulled her dress down and sat back on the sofa.
Pleasure, all night. Oh yes.

Chapter Six
    In a matter of
minutes Tristan had cleaned up, and with jeans zipped he walked back into the
room with a chilled bottle of white wine and a couple of glasses.
    He was so tempted to
take her upstairs and continue their sensual exploration. Their two encounters
so far had been fast, frenzied and wild. He wanted to show her he could be a
master of seduction, languid and skillful in the art of lovemaking. After all,
he’d had decades to perfect it. He did not show his skills to anyone. It had
been many years since he had a long-term mistress, one he could take the time
to seduce and send to heights few achieve. He literally could go all night
thanks to his Vampire blood but lately he only had a quick rut along with his
Blood Lust feeding. Seeing he was only half-Vampire, the need for blood only
came over him a half-dozen times a month unless his passion was stoked beyond
the earthly plane. His Blood Lust had been off the charts since he sensed
Katrina in the pub. Good Christ, was it only a few nights ago? How intense, how
deep his need, and how deep his emotions had developed for her so damned
    He opened the bottle,
poured her a glass and passed it to her. She was still

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