Bird After Bird

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Book: Bird After Bird by Leslea Tash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslea Tash
products you could find on every grocery store shelf in the US, Europe, and beyond. The fact that his company used black women as part of their branding didn't help the ugly things being said about her behind closed doors at the office.
    "Aunt Janica," Martin called her, before I threatened to turn him in to HR. God, he was so ugly. Good riddance. I sometimes wondered how he’d taken it when Janice had been hired in above him at the other firm.
    Harold and Janice were made for each other, though. She held her head high and before long the only thing anyone ever said about the union was how well Janice's ring fit her beautiful hands. A five carat princess diamond has a way to shutting people the hell up. So does job performance, and Janice’s was becoming well-known.
    Janice raised her glass to signal the waiter for another drink. "Oh, he’s not thrilled about moving back to the city, but you know Harry—he'll go wherever I want, whenever. Besides, he knows there are better cigar stores in NYC than Chi-town.” She shrugged. “It is what it is. It was his board that offered me the job, regardless of his complaints. Not like I could turn down the family business!"
    "So not just a transfer, but joining the company, huh?"
    She smiled, nodding. From the moment I’d met her in our Northwest University dorm room, I’d known she was a “family first” kind of girl. The countless snapshots she hung on the walls were proof of that. Cousin after cousin, siblings, aunts, uncles, and a zillion snaps of her mom and dad. I didn’t have a big family, myself, but Janice made me feel like I had a sister. Sometimes when she talked about their big Christmases, I thought I wouldn’t mind being officially adopted.
    "You'll knock 'em dead in New York." I finished my own drink and handed the glass to the waiter, who replaced both our drinks with fresh ones. "These have some kick today! Better bring coffee, please. I have a meeting at two and I don't want to stagger into it drunk. Again."
    We both giggled. Janice knew I'd never been drunk at a meeting and it wasn't likely to happen in my lifetime.
    "I’m going to miss you so much,” I said. “Who will I do chocolate lunches with?”
    “Oh, treat that admin of yours once in awhile. She’s a gem.” She smiled. “I’ll miss you, too, Birdy.”
    “Are you happy, Janice?" I don't know where the question came from, and I already knew the answer, but as the waiter arrived with our grilled chocolate paninis, it just slipped out.
    "You know I am, girl. Why do you ask? You going to offer me my old job back?"
    "In a heartbeat, if I thought you'd take it." I had no idea how much money Janice was making since she'd left our firm, but I was sure the move to corporate work was going to bring a pretty penny. There’s no way my firm would match the offer, and it seemed that ship had sailed, anyway. "I do miss working with you. Hey, tell you what—you find an opportunity for me in New York—just by accident or whatever—let me know. You never know. I might be ready to step up to corporate, myself."
    "And leave Troy behind? Or would he come with you?"
    I laughed again. "Oh, please. You know we’re not serious."
    Janice cocked her head to the side. "I thought you really liked him."
    "Well, you know, Janice...I do.” Why had I just said that? I didn’t realize just how much I disliked Troy until I lied to my friend. “I mean, of course I do. I wouldn't keep seeing him if he weren't likeable on at least a base level...right?"
    "Who are you trying to convince? Methinks the lady doth protest too much," she said quietly, looking up at me while she swirled the liquid in her half empty martini glass.
    “Maybe, Janice.” I felt the levity we were enjoying go flying right out the window. Quick, to the chocolate! I had a big bite of my Panini, and just about orgasmed. “Oh my god, these things are SO good. You are not going to find these in New York!”
    "Alright. Wren?"
    "Yes?" I was wiping the

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