Billionaire's Lies: A Novel

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Book: Billionaire's Lies: A Novel by Kendra King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra King
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smiled widely. It wasn't the smile he usually flashed me, and I couldn't read what it meant. He gave me a sweet and short kiss on the lips. "You could say it's something like that..."
    "Like what?"
    "That is why I can't get you out of my system."
    "So you've tried?"
    "Ten years is a long time." He laughed but then he stopped. "You never became serious with anyone during that time?"
    "No! I would have told you." Blake nodded his head in response knowingly. "Besides, when would I have had the time?"
    "That's true."
    "And what about you? Have you gotten serious with anyone?"

    The car was silent. When he finally decided to open his mouth, the driver rolled down his window.
    "Sir, I have sent out the message and rescheduled all of your... meetings for the following day." He looked at him through the rear-view mirror. I tried to make eye contact with him but he refused to look my way.
    "Excellent. Thank you. That will be all." The driver nodded and concentrated fully on the road after closing the partition.
    "I thought you said that today was your free day?"
    "It is."
    "Then why did you have to clear some meetings?"
    "Only a few. Nothing really important." His dull green eyes looked back at me.
    I shook my head at him, laughing. Did it really matter what he had to clear? He had cleared it for me and that meant the world. "You're ridiculous," I laughed. "Thank you for making the time for me, Mr. Slate," I whispered huskily. His eyes returned to emerald.
    "We're going to make a day of this." Blake took my hand in his and squeezed gently, my heart flipping with it.
    "Does that mean you're going to tell me where we're going?"
    "That's a surprise." His eyes twinkled and I just leaned back in the car, looked out the window, and watched buildings zoom by.

    We pulled up to a lot and I glanced out the window to see a sleek, white private jet. I looked at him and he just smirked.
    "I think you can handle this."
    "But I can't." My palms were already sweating and I was trying real hard to stop my knees from shaking. Helicopters, jets, it didn't matter--heights were heights and I was going to start serious freaking out.
    "You did it before, you can do it again." My door opened and I rocked slightly back and forth. "Trust me?"

    The question lingered in the air. I've known him for ten years. When we first started to chat, I just remember the butterflies I would get in my stomach. How could someone you barely know make you feel this way? He would send me messages every morning and when I found out that I was hired at my job, there were roses waiting for me. In fact, with every celebration, he somehow managed to send me a gift. I guess that could have been a clue to the millions to billions of dollars that he had, but I wasn't thinking about that. I was stuck on the fact that a man seemed to always have me in his thoughts. Although he never told me those three little words, he made sure I felt it.
    "Yes, I trust you." A calm washed over me, along with a new determination to brave this out for Blake.
    We were off. We walked hand-in-hand to the jet. I put on my seatbelt and grabbed a hold of the luxurious seat. I tried to not look around too much, but the elegant decor and modern finishings on it kept catching my attention. I knew I was playing with fate flying again in this piece of heavy machinery, disrespecting gravity. But with every rub Blake circled on my back, I calmed down a little bit more. That was one of the things I loved about him the most: the way he knew exactly how to calm me down.
    "At least look out so you can see the views."
    "If I wanted to see pretty views, I'd Google them," I joked, but I took him up on his offer and glanced out the small window.
    After landing, I ran out of the helicopter and fell to my knees on the ground.
    "We landed fine. We are okay." Blake laughed as he saw me put my cheek against the

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