Big is Beautiful

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Book: Big is Beautiful by Kelly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Martin
upstairs bathroom at the end of the hall. Mom's door was open, and I smelled sausage. My tummy grumbled, but I wouldn't let it win. It won the first round last night, but I would win the war.
    I fixed myself up semi-decent, pulling my hair from the nape of my neck into a bit of a French twist and fastened it with a claw clip. The dark brown strands fell over the clip like a fountain. It actually looked pretty cute.
    In my room, I put on a black, slimming long sleeved shirt and the tightest jeans I had that didn't cause me to have a muffin top. Not for the fashion, but for the block in my eating. I hoped the tight jeans around my waist would keep my food intake in check. It couldn't hurt.
    I grabbed my bag, not taking the time to check my laptop. I knew I had nine hundred new calories to eat today. My plan was to eat toast for breakfast again, then half of my pizza at lunch and then maybe a small saucer of whatever my mom cooked for supper. Supper would be the hard part. Mom would notice if I looked like I was trying to lose weight. She'd want me to do it the 'healthy' way. I didn't want to be healthy. I wanted the weight off. Now.
    When I got downstairs, my mom had my plate already fixed — sausage slapped between two biscuits. She smiled when she saw me and handed me the plate. "Morning."
    "Mornin'." How was I going to get out of eating the sausage? The biscuit (well, one of them) wouldn't be terrible. Not two sausages though. Was she trying to clog my arteries? Not knowing what else to do, I grabbed the plate and took a bite while she stood and watched. Her grin lit up the room and she kissed my cheek mid-chew. "Glad you like it. Gotta eat well today."
    My mouth was full of biscuit and pig. "Why?"
    "Math test."
    I nearly choked. "Tomorrow. The test is tomorrow."
    "I know. But you have tutoring for it today, right? It's almost as important as the actual test. Gotta keep your strength up all the way through four o'clock today so you can study, study, study."
    Feeling my heart beat again, I relaxed. One shouldn't announce a math test unless it was the day of said test. It messed with the nerves. From the corner of my eye, I saw the bus coming. Saved in the nick of time.
    I swallowed the one bite of sausage and biscuit I'd taken and handed the plate to my mother. "Bus is here. Thanks for breakfast." I kissed her cheek before heading toward the door.
    "Wait. Take one and eat it on the bus."
    This woman didn't give up. "Fine. Thanks." I took the biscuit I'd eaten off of and headed out the door. After getting down the three slick steps safely, I heard the phone ring inside. Taking a chance to turn around, I saw Mom going into the living room to take a call on the main house phone. Grateful for the opportunity, I threw my sausage and biscuit into the bushes around the house and made it to the bus with one bite of breakfast in my stomach. Brittany, one. Stomach, nada. I felt pretty good about that, kind of weak but good.
    Like yesterday, the talk on the bus was all about the dance. Freshmen were all starry-eyed over their sophomore, junior, or even senior dates. The freshmen with the seniors were especially giddy. Everyone else pretended to be excited for them but was secretly wondering how they could snag their own hottie senior. I knew a hottie senior, technically, but I didn't know what to think of him. What I couldn't figure out most was why he felt the need to lie to me. Why would I care if Kendra picked him up instead of his sister? Matt wasn't anything to me but my tutor, and if he acted today as spacey as he had yesterday, I seriously doubted how much I would learn, which would be bad since I had a major test tomorrow.
    As per my new normal, I let everyone else off the bus first and brought up the rear. Unlike the past few days, the sun hit my face when I got out of the door, warming it a bit. Not a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful day, one I desperately needed. Things were gloomy enough without the sky being all

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