Bid Me Now

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Book: Bid Me Now by Rebecca Gilise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Gilise
Charmford. There was obviously something keeping her here.
    Before he could ask her, their meals arrived.  
    They settled in to eat. Jean-Paul’s lived up to its reputation as the best restaurant in town.  
    “Do you have family?” she asked halfway through their meal.  
    Nick sat back, surprised at her personal question. “I have an older sister who lives in Toronto, and my dad’s retired in Florida.”
    “Do you see them very often?”  
    “Cate is an interior designer, and I usually catch up once a year or so. I make a point of visiting my father every couple of months. Anyway, what about you? How did you come to be in Charmford?”
    “We came here when I was sixteen. Charmford Hospital services much of the coast, and my father was offered the position of head of surgery here. We loved the place from day one. Now I don’t think I could ever leave.”
    “At the Round Bean you said ‘now there’s just me.’ Do you still have family here?”  
    Nick knew he was on delicate ground, but he wasn’t prepared for the sudden flood of sadness in her face.  
    She moistened her lips and drew a deep breath. “Two years ago, my parents were killed in a car crash just outside Charmford. A head-on with a drunk driver. I was at an art workshop in Chicago when it happened.”
    So that was it. The part of her he hadn’t understood now fell into place. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said…”
    “No, it’s okay,” she interrupted quickly, with a small reassuring smile. “I don’t talk about it much.” She shook her head as if to clear the memory, and a silky strand of her dark hair fell across her cheek.  
    “How are you coping?”  
    She hooked the tendril behind her ear, frowning as she considered his question. “Most of the time it’s okay. It’s helpful to talk about what happened. Besides, my art keeps me going, along with crazy Bree and friends.”
    She was trying hard, but Nick could see it was mostly for his benefit. Damn, why couldn’t he have just left it for her to bring the subject up? “Miri, can I get you something, or would you like to leave?”  
    For a moment she looked confused, as if unsure how to answer, and then she smiled, her eyes brightening. “Dessert would be nice. Something chocolately.”
    Nick signaled the waiter again, and ordered one chocolate mousse and a coffee for himself.  
    “Do you like sailing?” It was probably a waste of time inviting her to go sailing. Miri looked too much like a delicate hothouse flower for yachts. But then again, maybe not. Something he’d just said had her sparkling.
    “Yes, I love sailing. My father had a fifty-foot…” She stopped mid-sentence, and Nick saw her gaze slide beyond him toward the door, then round in surprise. He turned to see a couple standing just inside the door. The man was tall, maybe an inch or so shorter than his own six three, fair-haired, well-dressed. The woman looked to be a similar age, short blonde hair, attractive in an elegant way.
    When Nick turned back to Miri, she was smiling, but it looked far too tight to be convincing. Something was going on.
    Nick turned back to see the guy casually look around, then frown in recognition when he spotted Miri. He put his hand behind his date’s waist and steered her in their direction.  
    Okay, this would be interesting.
    “Hello, Miri. Nice to see you.” The stranger stared hard at Nick.  
    Miri sat rigid, her smile forced. “Hello, Marcus. This is Nick Brannagh. Nick, this is Dr. Marcus Carter. I’m doing a commission for his new medical center.”
    Marcus nodded in the direction of his companion. “This is Dr. Mariette Hastings, the hospital’s consulting neurologist.”
    Nick stood. “Doctors,” he said, extending a hand across the table, aware that Marcus Carter was now totally focused on Miri. Obviously some history between the two of them, but not romantic, Nick guessed. At least not on her part. But she was embarrassed all right. Like a naughty

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