I like being with him.” She smiled. “There’s one thing I don’t get. When I’m around him I have this weird feeling right here.” She put her hands over her stomach.
“’Butterflies in the stomach’ is what we call it. You feel it when you’re nervous, but in a good way. It means you like him.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I don’t not like him, but…he’s a human.”
“So am I.” Jamie grabbed her books and closed her locker.
“You’re more than that. You can see into the Otherworld. You’re better than human.”
“Well, thanks, but it’s not like I can breathe underwater or have pet sharks or anything.” She looked at Melia. “You look too hot today. It makes me sick.”
Melia stuck out her tongue. The first time Jamie dropped that line she apologized, thinking she really had made her friend ill. Jamie laughed so hard before explaining it. “It’s just a normal dress!” Melia protested.
“Well, then it’s your super mermaid powers again!”
The dress was simple. It was white, with an empire waist and a scoop neckline. Jamie was sure Melia would get scolded by a teacher for showing so much cleavage today. If she leaned over, Jamie was sure, something might pop out. Lana’s necklace was the only piece of jewelry Melia wore today. Maybe it was the way her hair looked, like she had just stepped off the beach, or the way her makeup brought out her already captivating eyes that made Melia look like she belonged on the set of a Victoria’s Secret photo shoot.
Peter turned, caught Melia’s eye and smiled. “I have his clothes,” Melia told Jamie and pulled a neatly folded stack of laundry from inside her designer bag. “I’m gonna give them to him.”
Connor nudged Peter’s elbow. “Hottie alert. Check out her tits in that dress!”
Anger boiled through Peter’s veins. He had the urge to punch Connor in the stomach. He didn’t want anyone talking about Melia like she was a piece of meat. All that melted away when he locked eyes with her. Janet, who was standing near Peter talking to Kaitlin, shut up immediately when she saw Melia next to Peter.
“Melia, hey.”
“Hi Peter.”
It caught Peter off guard to feel so happy just to speak to her. And Connor was right; Melia filled out her dress perfectly. “You look pretty today.”
“Thanks.” She held up the clothes. “You left these.”
“Oh.” Peter took them from her. His boxers were front and center. “Thanks.”
“Are you gonna be at the beach tonight?” she asked, her voice more alluring than ever.
“Yes.” Peter didn’t care if he was grounded. He’d snuck out before. The first bell rang.
“Maybe I’ll see you then.” Looking into Peter’s eyes was more pleasing than Melia thought it could ever be. The color reminded her of a clear sky. There was so much hidden behind them. She smiled once more before turning to rejoin Jamie.
Connor punched Peter’s arm. “No way.”
Peter nodded.
“Seriously?” He looked down at Peter’s clothes and narrowed his eyes. “I can’t believe it! Who would have thought that you’d—”
“Shut up!”
Connor lowered his voice. “So tell me this at least, why’d you take off your clothes at her house?”
“Long story.” He grabbed his books.
“That has a happy ending!” Connor teased.
“Don’t even think about saying anything! I’ll tell you later.”
“If you don’t, I’ll beat it out of you!” He picked his books off the ground and went in the opposite direction. Peter jogged to catch up with Melia and Jamie.
“Hey Jamie,” he said.
“Hi,” she said shyly. She didn’t know Peter even knew her name. He’s probably trying to suck up to Melia , she thought and suddenly felt a little braver. If Peter expected to spend any more time with her best friend, well, he’d have to pass her inspection first.
“How was your weekend?”
“Uh, ok,” Jamie answered.
Melia said, “She saw a baby being born!”
Peter’s face went white. Jamie
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