Beyond the Pale

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Book: Beyond the Pale by Jak Koke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jak Koke
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy
good care of our own. We run because we want to change the world for the better. We’re trying to restore the balance. Idealistic drek, neh?”
    “No,” Talon said. “I read Dunkelzahn’s Will. I think the Draco Foundation might be able to make a difference. If it’s guided by plans that were left by Dunkelzahn.”
    “We’d like you to do one run with us,” Jane said. “It pays well, but it will take several days, requires you to leave the country, and could be very dangerous.”
    “What’s the scan?”
    “Axler will fill you in on the way. Basically, the job is security for an item being delivered. You and Axler will pick up the item and the first security force, then travel with them to Washington FDC, where the rest of the Assets team will replace the sec force. Axler is in charge until then, at which point command will be transferred to Quicksilver.”
    Talon shifted in his chair. “Who?”
    “Quicksilver is a physical adept,” Jane said. “He inherited Assets, Inc. from Dunkelzahn and is one of the best undercover ops in the world.”
    Axler swung her new cyberarm to exercise it. She had lost her arm a few days ago in the fight with Burnout and a powerful bear shaman on Pony Mountain. “Time is short, Talon. Are you in?”
    Talon shrugged. “I’m intrigued,” he said. “Enough to do this run with you. If, after that, you want me and I want you, I’ll join Assets.”
    Jane laughed. “Well said. Mister Cautious. Well said.”
    “Welcome aboard,” Axler said. “Now, here’s how we operate. We have a standard military-style command structure. It may not be what you’re used to, but it works. We use top-of-the-line equipment and armament, all provided by Assets.”
    Jane interrupted. “You need to leave ASAP,” she said. “In order to make it to Lake Louise on time.”
    “Copy,” Axler said. “We’ll be there.”
    Jane nodded. “I’ll be monitoring you. Talon, I’d like you to wear a microcam and transmitter. It’ll make it a lot easier to keep track of you.”
    “I’ll wear one,” Talon said. “As long as you guarantee that no one else will be able to pinpoint me with it.”
    “Not while it’s on my system,” Jane said. “The Phillips tacticom units we use route through the temporary LTGs and teleporting System Access Nodes I’ve set up in the Matrix. So far nobody’s even tapped into our communications, let alone deciphered the encryption.”
    Talon gave her an open-jawed stare, then snapped back to his faked nonchalance. “I guess that’ll do,” he said, acting like this sort of offer came his way every day.
    “Excellent,” she said, then she faded her icon out and moved out of the Matrix and into the brushed steel space of her box. Taion was online. Jane liked him; liked his caution and dry wit. She just hoped he could handle the magical tasks of this run.
    Frag, she thought, we’re going into the home of an old and powerful associate of Dunkelzahn. If Harlequin decides to fry us, no street mage born in this world will be able to stop him.

24 August 2057

    Ryan felt the take-off acceleration push him back against the cushions of the Draco Foundation Lear-Cessna Platinum III jet as it lifted off the National Airport runway. He took several calming breaths and touched the Dragon Heart strapped to his gut just to reassure himself that it was still there.
    The transfer of security had passed smoothly as Ryan, Dhin, and Grind had replaced three of the Draco Foundation sec personnel assigned to the jet by Carla Brooks. Axler and the new mage, Talon, had stayed aboard.
    Ryan’s plan was a testament to simplicity and having friends in the right places. And so far it had worked brilliantly.
    So far.
    Seeing Harlequin was a gamble, Ryan knew. If the elf was as powerful as Dunkelzahn’s messenger spirit had implied, the elf might simply take the heart from Ryan. What could I do to stop him ?
    Ryan looked over at Talon, who sat facing him. With his brown hair and plain brown

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