Beyond Death
day. Now that she’d gone he could relax without having to concern himself with what Claire would get up to while interfering in the lives of her family and friends.

Chapter 4
    Four months had passed since Claire’s funeral and Graham arrived home from work for the weekend. Marion was still cold and distant and Graham had reached a decision. He was going to come clean about his Monday to Friday life and the result of working away for so many years. He knew she’d be shocked but since Claire’s death, he’d wondered about the purpose of life and was fed-up with the deceit. It was the least Marion deserved.
    She heard the key in the door and sighed, the corners of her mouth turning downwards. Marion should have been glad to see her husband but nothing had made her happy since Claire’s death and, if she was totally honest with herself, she hadn’t been happy in their marriage for years. The twins had settled back into their work routine now and although they were still devastated about their sister, at least they’d stopped smoking and were being sensible again. This was in part due to Fiona and Marion was grateful to her.
    ‘Marion, are you in?’ His voice shook her out of her reverie and Marion turned to face the door. She stood up straight and folded her arms. He was in for a shock of his own this weekend, and he would get exactly what he deserved. Sweet FA!
    Graham looked at his wife and realized this wasn’t going to be easy.
    Marion was in combative mode and didn’t plan on taking any prisoners. He was going to pay, and pay dearly, for ruining the best years of her life.
    ‘We need to talk.’ Said in unison and Graham noted that Marion’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. He was surprised that she hadn’t asked how his week had been. She usually did though without even pretending to listen to the answer.
    ‘I’ll go first.’ Said Marion indicating that Graham should take a seat as if he were a guest and not in his own home.
    ‘I have something to say.’ Replied Graham, hands on hips and standing his ground. He knew it was childish but didn’t wish to be usurped by his wife.
    Marion carried on as if he’d said nothing. ‘I’ve been to see a solicitor,’ that shut him up, she thought. ‘And I want a divorce.’
    Shocked into silence, Graham looked at his wife open mouthed and wide eyed.
    ‘I know all about Carol and your other life and I want you to leave my house. Do you hear me? MY HOUSE!’
    Graham’s head was spinning. Two minutes ago he would have laughed had anyone said that Marion would leave him. He’d wanted to leave for years but somehow just hadn’t got around to it. And how did she know about Carol and what about Mel? Did she know about her as well? It was as if she’d read his mind and Marion’s voice ended any further speculation.
    ‘I also know that you still have a daughter and I don’t. I hope your fancy piece has got an income as I’m taking what’s rightly mine. Because of what you’ve done to me, Graham, I intend to fight you for every single item we own and the more miserable and unhappy that makes you, the happier I’ll be.’
    Marion smiled that smile again and took in a lungful of air.
    ‘Now get out of my house. My solicitor will be in touch. I never want to speak to you again.’
    Graham’s mind was reeling. ‘Let me explain, Marion...’
    Marion balled her hand into a fist and banged it onto the table making him wince.
    ‘Get out. Now!’
    Graham had never seen his wife so livid, yet in control. It scared him, but not enough to make him move. Not until objects started flying through the air toward him.
    He just managed to dodge the Lladro lady which hit the glass-topped side table with incredible force, shattering both the glass and the ornament itself.
    Christ, what was she doing? thought Graham. He knew she loved that ornament.
    Next came the small carriage clock that the firm had presented to him after 25 years with them.

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