Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3)
Luke and Evan. Both were alphas of a neighboring pack and each an owner of a deeper part of her soul than she cared to admit to. And that is why she was in this mess to begin with.
    She clutched the crystal around her neck and stroked a thumb down the smooth heart-shaped surface.
    Each day the bond grew stronger. And each day she refused to relinquish control to the burn and ache, it only made the longing grow and the weight of their absence more unbearable by the hour.
    Fear. Doubt. Maybe sheer stubbornness kept her from stripping the bond, if it were even possible. Who knew?
    Because, really? How did she call either, Luke or Evan, and ask how to rid herself of their claim over her? That was not a conversation she wanted to have, not after what happened between them that saddled her with the insatiable craving for both men in the first place. And her last phone call to them almost lead to exactly what she didn’t—shouldn’t—want.
    “A mbrosia, what will it take?” No hello, no pleasantries. She didn’t need any to know the frustrated man on the other end of her phone. “Tell us and we’ll travel to Hell and back if it will return you to us. Your pain...” a deep gut-wrenching sigh followed by a growl broke his words, “... woman, it’s eating us alive. Stop shoving us away. Please.”
    She continued to lie in her bed, eyes closed with silent tears wetting her cheeks and pillow.
    Luke’s commanding voice dripped with the same all-consuming need that knotted her insides. So used to getting what he wanted, the need to act and not being able to, brought out his beast. Desperation stained every word he uttered.
    He could never stand seeing her unhappy and took every opportunity to make her smile. Tonight he must have sensed her need for them.
    Birthdays were his favorite. Surprise gifts appeared on her doorstep every year since she’d arrived in Sweet Briar with only a small note showing two wolf prints as a signature. One print for Luke and the other for Evan. She silently treasured their gifts, each one tempting her closer to the edge of breaking her peoples’ law.
    Until she finally did break the law three months ago.
    She shouldn’t have answered the phone. The minute Luke’s husky voice reached her, the pain eased and she caved by not breaking the connection and hanging up.
    She couldn’t give him what he wanted. What she wanted. Her as their mate. Instead, she did the next best thing. With the phone cradled to her ear, she listened as he shared stories of his childhood in a deep voice that always soothed her. The way he revered his father and loved his pack life.
    He’d then shared what she imagine was one of the hardest things to reveal—the violent loss of his father and mother. Her pain had turned from her own to that for the boy who’d witnessed their deaths.
    He’d given her a piece of his past and she’d taken it for what it was—a peek behind the force of strength the man personified.
    It wasn’t long before Evan picked up on another line and the conversation settled into an intimate moment. Hours passed and just as she watched the sun peak over the mountain, Luke made a promise to her in a gruff voice. “Little witch, you can’t run forever. We will be together and sooner than you think.” No question of if it would happen, just a matter of time. Such arrogance. Conviction.
    Something clicked and a resolve so profound settled over the connection she could almost reach out and touch it. And it scared her. Not of what he and Evan would do to be with her, but the price it would take for that dream to become a reality. When Luke made up his mind not even the power of magick would stop him.
    Evan, his tone just as grave, added, “This is the last night you shed any tears. That’s a promise, sweetheart.”
    And she believed them.
    T heir shared call three nights ago looped in her head. Every word burned in her memory.
    Ambrosia stumbled slightly, her vision a blurry mess. Damn

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