Between Us

Read Online Between Us by Cari Simmons - Free Book Online

Book: Between Us by Cari Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Simmons
    â€œThe first thing you need to do is elect your officers,” Señora McAllister told them. “I’ll take nominations for—”
    The door burst open. Bailey felt her eyes widen when Hannah rushed in. “Sorry I’m late,” Hannah told the teacher, her face pink with embarrassment.She headed directly over to Bailey. “Would you mind moving to that desk so I can sit with my cousin?” she asked Olivia in a low voice.
    Olivia looked over at Bailey. There were some questions it was almost impossible to say no to without being rude. Bailey gave a helpless little shrug. Olivia stood up without a word, moved to the empty desk, and sat down.
    Bailey didn’t get why Hannah was even there. She wasn’t taking Spanish.
    Bailey hesitated for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and raised her hand, just as Señora McAllister started talking about the election of officers. “Yes?” the teacher said.
    â€œUm, is it okay to be in the Spanish club if you’re not taking Spanish?” Bailey asked. Hannah really did need some friends of her own. It wasn’t that Bailey didn’t want to hang around with her. She just didn’t want to be with her every second. She and Olivia needed some time by themselves.
    â€œI don’t think that’s ever come up before,” Señora McAllister answered.
    â€œI’m not taking Spanish this semester,” Hannah piped up. “I was taking it at my old school, though, andI’m a little ahead. The principal said I should start in the second semester. So even though I’m not in Spanish now, I will be soon.”
    Señora McAllister smiled. “That’s fine, then. Welcome to our school. And welcome to Spanish Club. Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
    â€œI’m her cousin.” Hannah pointed at Bailey.

    1.      Walk in a no-squirrel zone.
    2.      If you’re right-handed, hold the leash of the dog that pulls the most in your right hand.
    3.      Have lots of treats for bribes.
    4.      Use a different-color leash for each dog, so you know right away which leash controls which dog.
    5.      Keep your elbows bent and your arms close to your sides. If you let your arms get pulled straight, you could get pulled right off your feet. (This should be moved to #1.)
    6.      Give the sit command if you feel like you’re losing control.
    7.      Make a list of how to get a dog to obey the sit command.
    Bailey was a little relieved when she and Hannah reached the corner where Hannah turned to head to their grandparents’ house and Bailey continued straight to get to her house.
    Just as she started up her walkway, she heard dogs. A lot of dogs. Some with high yips, some with low woofs, some with hound-dog howls, some with excited whines. She grinned. It was Gus out doing his dog walking.
    Maybe she could talk to Gus about the Hannah situation! Suddenly it had become a situation. Bailey already knew what Olivia thought. She needed another opinion. Gus could be surprisingly good at helping with problems.
    She broke into a trot, and the dogs got louder when they spotted her coming towards them. “Hi, hi. Hi, hi, hi!” Bailey exclaimed, waving to them. “Hey,” she said to Gus. “Want me to take some?” She usually didn’t offer. The dogs were sort of hard to control. But since she was here to get his help, she figured she should give him some help too.
    He handed her two leashes, one attached to Bruce, a big, slobbery, slow Saint Bernard, and one attached to Franz, a hyper wiener dog. Gus still held the leashfor Hans, Franz’s brother. It was best to keep them separated if you could. They got very competitive about being the last one to pee on the bushes and

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