Betrayal (Blood Haze: Book Three) A Paranormal Romance
if you ever need me for anything, I’ll be here. No
matter what, I will always be here for you.”
    “Oh, Max!” I gushed, tears filling my eyes.
“I’m going to miss you so much!”
    “I’ll miss you, too,” he admitted. “You have
no idea how much. But now that my father is okay, he wants me to
return to my training. I think he’s right. It’s the right thing for
me to do.”
    I sniffled, and I wrapped my arms around his
waist. I nuzzled his chest, and I listened to his heartbeat as his
chest rose and fell. I was going to miss his warmth so much.
    “I understand,” I whispered. “Thank you for
understand me, too.”
    He kissed the top of my head.
    “I only want you to be happy, and I hope you
find what you’re looking for,” Max told me.
    Planting one last kiss on my lips, he left
the room.
    “Thank you,” I said.
    “For what?” Alexi asked.
    I turned to face him.
    “For what you did for Max,” I answered.
    “He didn’t do it for Max,” Liam
    “Stay out of this!” Alexi growled.
    “Just tell her why you did it!” Liam snapped.
“Doesn’t she deserve to know?”
    “Liam…” Alexi snarled.
    “What’s he talking about, Alexi?” I
    “Nothing,” Alexi mumbled.
    “If you don’t tell her, I will,” Liam
    “I said stay out of this!” Alexi shouted.
    “He did it to get rid of Max!” Liam suddenly
yelled. “Didn’t you, brother? You’ll do whatever it takes to get
rid of the competition!”
    “Stop it!” Alexi barked. “Why are you doing
    “Because she deserves to know the truth! You
have her thinking you’re Saint Alexi, but you’re not! And I’m sick
of you playing the martyr all the time!”
    “Alexi, what’s going on?” I demanded,
starting to get annoyed.
    “Do not let him do this,” Alexi pleaded. “I
do not understand why he is doing this, but you cannot believe
    “I don’t know what to believe, anymore,” I
said. “But this kind of thing is exactly why I’m just backing off
for now. I can’t handle any of this!”
    I ran from the library and fled to the
sanctuary of my room. I wanted to hide away from everything and
everyone until I could gather my thoughts. I was tired of conflict.
I was tired of hurting the people I loved. I was tired of being in
the middle of everything all the time. I just wanted some
    I felt some alien emotion growing inside me.
I wasn’t sure what it was. It felt strange, yet comforting.
Although my stomach was twisted in knots, and I wanted to burst
into tears, I somehow felt stronger than I had in ages.
    I had finally decided to stand up to everyone
and tell them exactly how I felt. I wasn’t ready for a
relationship. I wasn’t ready to make a decision about who I wanted
to be with. To tell the honest truth, I wasn’t even sure if I was
truly in love with anyone. I had deep feelings for Kai, and I
really thought it might be love. I had thought for so long I was in
love with him, but when my feelings for Max started to grow
stronger, I began to doubt whether my feelings for Kai were truly
love, or just infatuation.
    Then there was Max. I had feelings for him,
too. Kissing him was incredible, and his touch was warm and
inviting. I loved being around him, and I loved his strong,
protective nature. But something was missing.
    And then Alexi had come along and turned
everything upside down. At first, I thought he was crazy. With all
his talk about being in love with me before we ever met, just
because of some visions his father had, I couldn’t imagine how he
could really love me. It all seemed so strange. But the way he
looked at me, and the way he had kissed me… I could feel it. There
was something electrifying in the way he held me – like I was
exactly where I belonged. But was it love?
    Whether I was betrothed to him, or not, I
couldn’t marry him if I wasn’t in love with him. I didn’t want to
dishonor the oath our fathers had made, but I knew I couldn’t marry

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