Best Friend's Brother

Read Online Best Friend's Brother by Alycia Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: Best Friend's Brother by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
tongue never stopped
moving. He licked and sucked and I pushed against his mouth until my whole body
felt like it had been washed with a giant wave of pleasure and my extremities
began to spasm as I came. He stayed where he was and let his sweet tongue ride
me through it. When I finally stopped shaking and my breathing was beginning to
slow down, I let go of his head and he stood up. I whimpered, missing his warm
body touching me already, until I saw that he was stripping off his own
clothes. I watched as he pulled off his shirt and revealed his hard, sexy chest
and then slid down his jeans and boxers and set his throbbing erection free. I
suddenly had to touch him. Pushing myself all the way up to a sitting position,
I took him in my hand and stroked the shaft gently up and down. He made a
noise, like a groan or a grunt and I snaked out my tongue and licked the tip of
it, delighting in the fact that I made him so excited.
    I stroked it a few more
times, enjoying the way it felt in my hand and the look of pure pleasure on his
beautiful face. I could feel it pulse as I ran my hand along the smooth skin.
After a bit, I lowered my head and licked his shaft from bottom to top, ending
with a swirl of his head before making my way back down and letting my tongue
gently graze his ball sack. He shivered again so I kept my tongue there for a
few seconds, letting it swirl round and round while my hand ran up and down the
length of his cock. He was moving his hips in and out and I took my other hand
and put it on one of his hard round cheeks and squeezed as I stroked him a
little faster and gripped him a little tighter.
    “Alexa…fuck….” I loved
the sexy way my name sounded on his lips and I loved that he was watching me
with his gorgeous blue eyes as I worked my tongue all across his cock and
balls, continuing to use my hand to stroke him as I did. “You’re amazing,
Alexa…fuck baby!” I almost came again just at the sound of his sexy voice. I
doubted I was that good at this…I didn’t have much experience at it. Maybe the
desire I felt for him was driving me to do it well.
    I let go of him with my
hand then and began sucking him into my mouth inch by inch until the head of
his cock lay at the back of my throat. I worked my throat muscles and he moaned
out as loudly as I had been doing earlier and then I let it slide back out and
began bobbing my head up and down. I put my hand between his legs and let my
fingers slowly stroke his balls as I did. He was rocking in rhythm with my
mouth and after several minutes he started to grow and swell between my lips.
He grabbed the back of my head then and pushed my face down on him a few more
times before finally pulling me back and saying, “Oh baby, oh fuck…you have to
stop that.”
    He collapsed down onto
the bed on his back. He closed his eyes and for a second I was afraid that he
was going to sleep on me. Then I felt his hand around my waist and he pulled me
down on top of him. He wiggled us around until we were laying in the middle of
the bed…him on his back and me with my naked body on top of his. He put his
hands on my ass and pushed me down into him as he ground his hips up into mine.
He let go with one hand and reached over to the nightstand. I could tell he was
groping for something. I looked over and saw a pack of condoms just out of his
reach. I stretched over and grabbed it, opening it with my teeth; I sat back on
his thighs and held his cock up with one hand while I sheathed it with the
other. Then still holding him with one hand I positioned myself over him. I
pushed down against him, just slightly. I felt myself opening up to allow him
in; stretching…I pushed down a little harder and took in another inch or two.
His hands were back on my ass and he was flexing them open
and closed around my cheeks . I think he just wanted to push me down, but
I was having fun teasing him a little bit. I pulled back up, almost letting him
slide all the way out and he opened his

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