Best Erotic Romance 2014

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Book: Best Erotic Romance 2014 by Kristina Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Wright
downstairs thought about you or me or the stock market in Asia is just about the farthest thing from my mind right now.”
    Joyce’s jaw dropped. She had never heard Pete talk quite that way before—nor had she heard the tone of voice with which he had said it. The energy she’d felt in the lobby came flooding back—a mix of arousal, self-possession, power and freedom. It was a way she was unused to feeling in the last decade, and for a second she was almost light-headed.
    The elevator dinged as it halted. Pete grabbed her waist and pulled her close, but just as he seemed about to kiss her, heturned her roughly around and nudged her through the doors, his long strides behind her as they walked down the hall single file. Apparently she wasn’t moving quite fast enough for him, because a second later Pete had stopped and scooped her up in his arms, eliciting a gasp of surprise from Joyce, who was aware that anyone they met in the hall now was going to get a clear look of just how few undergarments she had on.
    As they reached their door, Pete maneuvered his arm to hand her the key cards he’d been carrying. Joyce pulled one out of the small envelope and slid it into the metal door handle. When the little light turned green, she pulled down on the handle, and Pete shoved the door wide open with one foot.
    Somehow it wasn’t until that moment that Joyce realized she was breathless, that she had been since the elevator and that she was all but panting now as her body reminded her she needed to breathe. At the same time she became acutely aware of the swelling in her clit and how much she wanted her husband—any part of him—to touch her there. Now.
    She was surprised when Pete set her on her feet at the foot of the bed rather than directly on it. Before she could question the move, he launched himself at her and she fell backward onto it anyway, startled—though by this time not surprised—by her husband’s urgent carnality. He grabbed her knees and spread her legs, looking at her naked flesh beneath the miniskirt, which had ridden up to her hips without any coaxing. Joyce could feel her wetness as her husband stared at her, and suddenly her impatience matched his.
    â€œFuck me,” she whispered. The purple wig tickled her jawline, but she quickly stopped noticing as Pete struggled out of his pants and crawled back on top of her, his hard cock positioned at the slippery entrance to her pussy. She could feel the tension in his body as he held back, and knowing the effect she was havingon him made a rush of arousal spill onto his waiting cock.
    Pete sucked in a breath. “I need to be in you now, baby,” he panted in her ear. “And I’m going to come fast. Is that okay?”
    Joyce was already undulating her hips desperately trying to coax him inside her. She would have thought that would be a sufficient answer, but since he seemed to be waiting for one, she hissed out an urgent “Yes,” as she spread her legs wider beneath him.
    Pete plummeted into her, and she cried out, meeting his thrusts as he fucked her harder, faster, deeper. His hand snaked up and twisted into the purple strands against her cheek, and the way he grunted made her not even mind that he wasn’t actually pulling her hair. Though not as satisfying as a true tug on her blonde locks, it was obviously having an effect on him, and it was one with which she wasn’t about to argue.
    Joyce’s core felt a constant jolt of arousal as Pete hammered into her, the feeling of taking her husband’s cock more satisfying than it had felt for a long time. His strangled cry indicating that he couldn’t hold back anymore almost pushed Joyce over the edge, and she gripped his body with her legs as he came deep inside her. She squeezed him tight, reveling in the power she had to affect him that way.
    Breathing heavily, he pulled out and rolled over onto his back, reaching for her

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