Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2

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Book: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 by L.K. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.K. Lewis
like to think that Drake is off somewhere fighting for me, but it’s been so
long now and I haven’t heard anything. No form of communication whatsoever. I’m
at my wits’ end here; I’m not sure what to do or how to move on. If it weren’t
for Amanda dragging me out every once in a while I don’t know what I’d be
    Garrett doesn’t say anything for a moment. He almost looks
like he’s struggling with whether or not to say what’s on his mind. Finally he
looks at me and hesitantly says, “I’ll tell you what. I have an old email
address of Drake’s from when he was on the bowling league here. I doubt he ever
even checked it, he’d still show up for games on days when I sent out an email
canceling them. I really doubt it’s still active, but I’ll look it up and write
it down for you. It most likely won’t get to Drake but it’s worth a shot,
right?” Garrett shrugs.
    “That would be wonderful, thanks Garrett, I really
appreciate it,” I say as a huge smile crosses my face for the first time in forever.
Even if there is the smallest chance I’ll be able to find Drake, or at least
reconnect with him through email it’s a relief to be able to try.
    “Sure thing, Morgan. Any time, you know that. You two go
grab lane five, your games are on me tonight. I’ll grab some shoes and that
email address and meet you over there in a few,” Garret says before heading
through the closed office door behind the shoe counter.
    With a nod, Amanda and I head to the bar first to get a
pitcher of beer, and then grab our girly pink bowling balls and head to our
    “So, are you actually good at bowling?” Amanda asks as we
pick our nicknames on the scoring screen.
    “Oh hell no, I totally suck. This is the only place Drake
and I ever felt comfortable going to without constantly looking over our
shoulders, worried we would get caught,” I say as pain twists my stomach in
knots. I knew coming here tonight would be a constant reminder of Drake and
it’s both comforting and brutally painful.
    “I’m sorry to upset you, Morgan. Are you sure you want to be
here? We can go at any time. I will say I’m enjoying the eye candy though, why
didn’t you say Drake’s friend is so hot? You know I’m a sucker for baby blue
eyes and a hint of bad boy.”
    “Who, Garrett? I guess I’ve never thought of him like that.
I’m always so engrossed in Drake I guess I never really see anything else
around me.”
    “Tell me about it,” Amanda says as she downs her first beer.
    “He’s a really good guy, though. Both he and Drake have been
through a lot and have some crazy pasts. It’s actually a little heartwarming to
see that they can reconnect and be so close after all these years as they both
try to make more positive changes in their lives.”
    “Is he single?” Amanda asks as she picks up her ball and
abruptly throws it right down the gutter.
    “Nice,” I say sarcastically as I hold my hand up for a high
five. “Yeah, I think he’s still single. A girl’s name has never come up in
conversation and he doesn’t seem to be too private.”
    “Well this evening is looking better still, come on blondie,
you’re up!” Morgan says as she smacks my ass like a baseball coach.
    We bowl a few games, but honestly, I’m too anxious about
getting home and emailing Drake to really relax and enjoy myself. I have to
chuckle, though, when on our way out, I catch Amanda tucking her card into her
bowling shoes before handing them back to Garrett.
    “I saw that!” I tease as we headed out the door to the
waiting cab.
    “What? He’s hot! That was a really sweet move he pulled back
there giving you that email address. He seems like a good guy and you seem to
trust him, so why not give it a try, you know?” Amanda says while climbing into
the cab. “Plus, I’ve gotta end this dry spell sooner or later, I might as well
do it with someone with potential!”
    I practically race through my apartment door to

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