Bella Fortuna

Read Online Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo - Free Book Online

Book: Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanna Chiofalo
always smiling or telling a joke. It’s no wonder that people flock to her and that she embraces as much as possible the serene New Age lifestyle.
    Connie is a hopeless romantic and falls in love with every guy she dates. Unlike Rita, she doesn’t believe in ever dating casually. Her favorite movies to watch are romantic comedies. At the moment, neither she nor Rita are seeing anyone. Usually, I’m the one not involved with anyone while both of them are either dating or have boyfriends. Now, here I am engaged, while my two bubbly, popular sisters don’t have prospects for a serious boyfriend anytime soon. Secretly, I’m relieved since I am the oldest, and as the oldest, I feel I should be the first one getting married. I always thought Rita would be first, even with her tough brand of love. Two of her relationships had lasted three or more years, and she almost got engaged to her last boyfriend. But she said something just didn’t feel right, and like Ma, she’s learned to always trust her gut instincts.
    Because of their ages, it’s natural that Rita and Connie are closer to each other than they are to me. I know they love me, but I also realize that as the big sister, I represent an authority figure to them. Still, I can’t help wishing I were more a part of their inner circle. Yes, I’m jealous of my sisters’ bond with each other. No one knows this—well, maybe Ma—nothing gets past those eagle eyes.
    Ever since grade school, I’ve always longed for that one special girlfriend with whom I can share secrets and do everything with, as so many other girls have. Though Tracy had been my best friend growing up, I only saw her at school. Her mother wouldn’t let her come over to my house while we were in elementary school. And then when high school came, she’d come over, but there was something lacking. I guess it was because at that point I didn’t fully trust her anymore with all the lying she’d done. She was also hanging out with other kids, who got drunk a lot and sometimes even snorted coke. She still called me almost every day, though. And I knew there were certain things she told me that she didn’t tell her new friends.
    â€œHey, Vee! Hey, Ma!” Rita and Connie sing out in unison, as they swing through Sposa Rosa’s doors. It had started out as a joke between them, since everyone calls them “the DeLuca Twins.” But after the third time in a row of their announcing themselves in this ridiculous way, I told them how incredibly stupid they sounded. Instead of stopping, they just continued with it. I love my sisters even though they can be a huge pain in my butt. I’ve decided my best course of action is to ignore their antics as much as I can.
    â€œHey! What took you guys so long?”
    â€œWe got stopped along the way by the Mayor of Thirty-fifth Street. What else?” Rita elbows Connie, and then they break out into laughter. Rita almost drops the cake platter wrapped in foil that she’s carrying. No doubt she’d been baking last night.
    â€œWhy is that especially funny today? He’s been chewing our ears off since we were kids.”
    â€œWell, there is more to it.” Connie gives Rita a sly smile.
    â€œOkay, quit it. What’s going on?”
    â€œHe told us that he ran into you this morning, and your upcoming nuptials in Venice came up. He said that it would be a shame if he missed out on your wedding, and even though it’s so far, maybe he will be able to go.”
    â€œYou’re lying, Rita. Wipe that smug grin off your face. Paulie Parlatone is not about to part with his money. When have you known him to take a vacation? Hmmm? Never! You expect me to believe he’s going to take a trip?”
    â€œHe did say he was long overdue for a vacation, especially since he never took one before he retired.” Connie says this while looking at her complexion in one of the

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