Becoming His Slave

Read Online Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan - Free Book Online

Book: Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan
Tags: BDSM, slave, mf, mm, caning, master, ds
more to show my appreciation.”
    “Why would you do that?” She stammered suddenly, unable to hide the duress. She was already tormented by this, but for him to want her to suffer more was inhumane.
    “For letting me watch.” He got up from the bench seat that was at the foot of the tub and stood over her, letting her feel him drawing close as he took one slow step closer. His breath deepened with the growing hunger in him. He wanted to do far more than just stand over her and watch. He wanted to feel inside that sweet, hot pussy of hers. He wanted to taste her and feel her cum over him. To kiss her lips as she cried his name, but he would do none of these tonight.
    “Diesel will be here for you if you need anything, I had just come to say good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”
    “Oh god he’s not going to come walking in here as well is he?”
    His smile deepened, “Not unless you scream. So you might want to keep that in mind when you find your release.” He started for the door.
    “I don’t think it’s going to help tonight.” She mumbled, not while the tingling was still going on it wasn’t going to help.
    “I did offer to help.” He teased, “Goodnight Miss Dumas.” And left her alone to her own embarrassed frustration.
    He flipped the lock latch in her door to make certain it would drop into place and closed it with a firm pull.
    Once safely out of her room he leaned back against the door frame, dragging his fingers down over his face then back up to rake his hair out of his eyes and let out a hard sigh. He licked his lips just picturing her and what she would taste like on his tongue. How tasty she looked there pleasuring and teasing her body, trying to find some release only to frustrate herself more. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He had to leave, if he had stayed a second longer he was going to take over. He was going to plunder her mouth with his tongue and dive into the water, find those delicate petals and bring her to her release himself then work her back up till she begged for more of what he could give her.
    Semantics . She was his charge—which made her his client. Not his lover.
    ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~
    Trenton headed out to Club Pain where he knew he could find the distraction he needed and some sexual release he could use.
    He strolled in, heading straight for the bar, “Derek—pour me a double will ya ?”
    “You got it Dominus.” The muscular blonde headed man responded grabbing a tumbler and filled it with the preferred white tequila and slid it over to him. Then followed it up with a few slices of lime and a miniature bottle of hot sauce on a napkin next to it.
    “Whose here tonight?”
    “Crowds kinda thin still. Most folks are still at the expo till it closes at midnight. I thought you were working at it?”
    “I am, just need some release.” He tossed half the shot of tequila back, dotted a finger with Tabasco and licked at before chewing on a lime wedge.
    “Mercedes is here. She looks like she could use a hard fucking herself too.”
    Mercedes, now there was a woman with a body to please. She spent a small fortune and none of it her own to insure every feature of her body was to perfection and every part of her body was ripe for the fucking. Trenton flipped his glass, downing the remaining smooth liquor and bit off the burn, then pushed off in search of the Sub he would claim for himself tonight.
    He found her in the back corner tempting the flirtations from a tall young blonde who had started venturing into Club Pain some months ago with self proclaimed notions he was a Master Dom. Trenton barged in on them shoving the man aside and quickly saddle against Mercedes crowding her against the wall, his firm hands rotating her to face it, then slipped down to caress her tight bubble-butt ass.
    “So what it’s gonna be Mercedes? You wanna waste your time with a boy or do you want it done right?” His rouse, dark and

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