Beauty & The Biker

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Book: Beauty & The Biker by Glenna Maynard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Maynard
bucko,” I bark.
    I try again, nothing. He must already be up or he hasn’t gone to bed. My mind flashes to him sleeping on the sofa downstairs with his whatever she is…I smack my palm against his door, this time in anger.
    After searching the kitchen, I find Tristian sitting in an expansive library. It’s huge with floor to ceiling shelving full of books. It’s beautiful. I could get lost in here for hours escaping between the pages.
    “Sleep well Isabella?” He is cocked back in his leather chair at the head of his desk, feeling powerful and in control of me. He’s reading. I glance at the spine and he is reading Stephen King. Interesting. He doesn’t strike me as the reading type.
    “Like a kitten.” If he wants to play games. I’ll play.
    Walking over to his large desk I take a seat on the edge and prop my foot on the arm of his chair fully aware I’m not wearing panties. Let’s see if he notices me now. My bare bottom is hanging over the edge and I can see he is using restraint not to look. His jaw is clenched, his mouth set in a hard line. I watch him struggling; I am smiling on the inside. So, he does see me. He chews on the inside of his mouth, I can see his muscles flex as he bites down hard on his inner jaw, choosing his words carefully.
    “Hungry, I can cook you something,” I offer smiling broadly, leaning back on my elbows. 
    He shuts his book and lays it next to me. “Already ate,” he answers with no emotion. He is trying to brush me off.
    Not happening.
    “Tristian,” I purr out his name. “Have you seen my panties, a draft keeps breezing up my skirt.” I gather the hem in my fist, my hand resting on my smooth tan thigh, daring to flash him. This behavior is so unlike me, but Tristian makes me this way. He makes me feel bold, daring— ALIVE .
    He knocks my foot from his chair, like a pest. He sits up and grabs my wrist, getting so close to my face. I could lick the side of his face. I wonder if his skin tastes of ink.
    “Personal comforts are a privilege. You have to earn them, princess.”
    “So, my phone?”
    “I have it.” He brushes his thumb along my thigh, stroking. “Prove yourself a worthy pet, and I will reward you,” he tells me as his thumb grows dangerously close to my intimate zone.
    A man has never had his hands on me in this manner before. My breathing hitches, becoming erratic, enjoying the way his touch feels.
    “Be a good pet and I will be a good master.” His touch disappears but I can still feel his warmth tracing over my skin.
    I guess I should have known a man like him thrives on control. This is just a game to him. All of it.
    “I’m not a pet Tristian, I am a person. I expect to be treated like one.”
    He grabs my hair, leaning into my personal space. “You belong to me Isa. I own you. If you expect anything more from me, you will find yourself sadly mistaken.”
    He pulls me from his desk by my hair and drags me down the hallway roughly, cursing incoherently under his breath.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t—please,” I beg.
    He says nothing in return and jerks me in front of him holding my elbows and shoving me down the cold steps to the cellar.
    “I told you if you behave, I’ll be good to you, but you want to run your mouth. Now you can run it down here where no one can hear you.”
    “I’m sorry, I’ll be good Tristian. Please don’t leave me down here. I’m scared of the dark. I suffer horrible panic attacks.” I can’t stop my tears as they stream down my cheeks.
    I have given myself freely to a monster. I don’t know why I thought he was different then what people say. He has a bad reputation for a reason. I need to keep that in mind next time he tries to touch me.
    “I will come for you when I think you are ready to behave. And while you are down here maybe you will remember something important.”
    He shoves me roughly through the iron door I saw the night before. It’s cold, dark, and lonely. He closes the door to my

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