Beauty and the Wolf

Read Online Beauty and the Wolf by Lois Faye Dyer - Free Book Online

Book: Beauty and the Wolf by Lois Faye Dyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Faye Dyer
“I think I’ll cancel tonight. The thought of standing around in the rain at a campus rally for world peace doesn’t appeal.”
    Eli gave her disbelieving look. “You were going to join a bunch of college kids, in the rain, to listen to a freshman lecture everyone about solving the world’s ills?”
    â€œHow did you know the scheduled speaker is a freshman?” she asked, intrigued.
    He shrugged. “They’re always freshmen—by their second year in college, students are more cynical.” Helowered his voice. “Rumor has it, the change is due to the amount of beer consumed at all those freshman frat parties.”
    Cornelia laughed. “I think you may be right, Eli.”
    â€œHe could be.” Frankie tried to hold back a smile but failed. “I bet you formed this opinion through first-hand experience,” she said dryly.
    â€œI have to confess I helped lower the beer level in a few kegs during my freshman year at college,” he confirmed. “But I never picked up a bullhorn and lectured the student population on a solution for world peace.”
    â€œDid you rally for any good causes?” Cornelia asked him.
    Curled next to him on the cushioned wooden bench seat, Frankie sipped her tea and listened as Eli bantered back and forth with her mother about his activities in college. He’d been a part of their extended group of family friends for a long time through his friendship with Justin. She knew he’d attended the University of Washington by combining scholarships and working at Wolf Construction. By the time he’d earned an engineering degree, Wolf Construction’s business had taken off under his leadership and become a major contender for commercial building in Seattle and the surrounding area.
    Everything Harry had told her about Nicholas Dean’s success could be said of Eli, she thought, feeling a surge of pride at his accomplishments.
    Eli glanced sideways at her, his gaze warming.
    â€œCome to the movies with me tonight, Frankie,” hesaid easily. “We’ll be inside a theater, we’ll be dry and I’ll buy you buttered popcorn.”
    â€œWhat movie are you going to see?” she asked, aware of her mother listening.
    â€œAn action adventure based on a book by one of my favorite authors.”
    â€œSounds like fun.”
    He eyed her. “You like those kinds of books, too?”
    â€œWhy wouldn’t I?”
    His blue eyes gleamed with approval. “I’ll be damned. I keep learning things about you that amaze me.”
    Frankie huffed. “Lots of women read suspense novels.”
    â€œI know, but you have a PhD in English literature. Somehow, I didn’t expect you to like action-adventure fiction.”
    â€œI’d be just as interested if there was a new film based on one of Jane Austen’s titles,” Frankie said firmly. “But I’m not a snob about books—I like all different kinds. I’d love to see the movie tonight.”
    â€œGreat.” Eli looked at Cornelia. “How about you, Cornelia? Would you like to come with us?”
    â€œOh, no.” Cornelia waved a hand. “My favorite mystery series is on PBS tonight, and I’ve been looking forward to the next installment. I’m going to curl up in my jammies in front of the TV with a bowl of ice cream.”
    â€œAll right, but you know you’re welcome to join us if you change your mind,” Eli told her. He looked at Frankie. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
    She nodded. “I’ll be ready. What theater are we going to?”
    â€œPacific Place downtown.” He stood, the swing dipping and swaying on the heavy chains suspending the seat. “I’d better get going. I need to run by a construction site and check with the security guard.”
    â€œIs there a problem?” Frankie felt a swift stab of concern.
    â€œOnly with water—we’ve had

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