Beautiful Dream

Read Online Beautiful Dream by Paige Laurens - Free Book Online

Book: Beautiful Dream by Paige Laurens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Laurens
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
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    Her mouth drops and her eyes widen. “I didn’t just forget about you and move on,” I tell her. “I went to that damn mall every fucking day that summer trying to see you!]
    I’ve stunned her. She’s turned so pale that I think she may vomit, which brings me to a whole new level of low.
    I make her vomit.
    I don’t let her reaction stop me, though. She needs to know how sorry I am.
    “I saw every damn scary or action-packed movie trying to find you. I was too terrified to call your house. I didn’t know what you told anyone. I didn’t know if I was going to be fired, or shit, arrested,” I pause.
    “I couldn’t believe my luck when you walked into that theater. You sat in the very back, holding onto this sweatshirt for dear life,” I hold up my sweatshirt - the one she borrowed after her shirt got ruined.
    “You cried the most sad, beautiful tears I have ever seen.” My eyes well up just remembering. “Then, when the movie ended, you just left it there on the seat,” I spit. “Like you were saying goodbye to me,” I swallow. “I died a new death.”
    Her mouth closes and then opens, but nothing comes out.
    “I came here tonight to give it back to you,” I hold it out to her. “It belongs to you. I belong to you.” I shove the clothing forward and she quietly takes it from me.
    “You are not second best, and I’d love more than anything to prove that to you,” I swallow nervously. “Do you think you can get past the hurt so I can try?”
    Her eyes meet mine, and in them I swear I see a ‘yes,’ but instead an, “I don’t know” escapes.
    “I’m sorry,” she whispers.
    I nod slowly as I back away and leave.

Chapter 3
    I stand in the doorway, watching as Josh storms off. I only realize Ren is still here when I hear her loud sigh, and I follow the sound back to the couch, watching as she places her hand over her heart.
    “Wow,” she whispers. “I think I just fell in love.”
    Ugh! She’s no help!
    I give her a look before running after him.
    “Wait!” I call out of breath, but he doesn’t stop, and I pick up my pace. The cold early February air is biting against my skin.
    He’s walking too quickly, and I don’t know if he doesn’t hear me, or is just too embarrassed to face me. My light jog soon turns into a run, and I eventually catch up to him.
    “Wait!” I shout again, grabbing his arm as he spins around.
    “What?” He shouts.
    “I’m sorry.”
    “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” his tone is piercing. “It’s my fault. You were right. We can never be friends.”
    “You got the student teaching position,” he interrupts. “It’s freshman math, so it’s not ideal, but, congrats,” he shrugs.
    I close my mouth and nod silently.
    “They’ll probably call you on Monday.”
    “Okay,” I croak.
    “You don’t have to take it if I’ve made things weird,” he sighs. “Or if there’s something better.”
    “No.” I shake my head. “I’m going to take it.”
    “If that’s what you want,” he runs his fingers through his hair before turning back around. “I suppose I’ll see you around then.”
    “Wait!” I run after him again.
    “I can take a hint, Luci,” he sighs. “You don’t have to say anything else. I understand I hurt you too much. I should’ve gone on my date.”
    “You didn’t go?” I bite my lip.
    “Obviously not.” He won’t look at me, which is fine, since I let out a small smile.
    “You came all the way here,” I sigh.
    “I don’t need your pity,” he stares over my head, and when he finally does meet my eye, his are harsh. “You know what?” He snaps. “I do regret everything that happened between us!”
    His words rip into me, and I feel my hot tears building.
    “If I never met you,” he continues. “If none of this ever happened… it would be so much easier.” His words slice at my insides. “I would never have known.”
    I don’t stop him this time as he leaves, too frozen in

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