Beast: Part Two

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Book: Beast: Part Two by Ella James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella James
Tags: Book - Erotica Series
to think of you, because it drove me crazy. Knowing you were here… I hated it.” I press my hand against his cheek. “You don’t belong here.”
    His mouth finds my mouth, gently exploring, then tugging away . “Oh, Angel. That’s where you’re wrong.”
    I run my fingers through his ha ir. My other hand finds his and begins stroking his knuckles. I’m surprised to find his hand is shaking just a little.
    “ Adrenaline,” he says.
    I kiss his palm. He winces. “Don’t.”
    “It hurts?”
    He shuts his eyes and shakes his head. “It’ s wrong, Angel. The only time these hands are kind is when they’re on your skin.”
    “Then they should be on my skin more.” I push him gently down on the bed, and am surprised when he submits. He’s flat on his back, and I can see his boner sticking out against his boxer-briefs. “Don’t give me any trouble. I want to fix where you’re hurt, and then I want to fuck you.”
    His eyes widen, and I giggle. “You better turn on the TV so I’m not heard screaming.”
    He smirks, and I snap my fingers. “You think I’m kidding?”
    “No. You wicked banshee.” He leans over and grabs a remote from his nightstand. He points it at the TV. I see a newscaster’s suit and return my attention to Beast.
    I lift up his shirt, in awe of his beautiful body. I move the gauze and find an angry-looking stab-wound.
    “How did this happen?” I whisper.
    “I should tell you,” he muses. Worry whispers over his face, and when he speaks again, his voice is very soft. “I should—but can I not?”
    I nod slowly. “ It’s okay.”
    I kiss his neck, his mouth. I’m already wet and needy, and I can see his hard cock, so I know I need pull away. “You have a First Aid kit?”
    He tucks a hand behind his head and nods. “Below the bathroom sink.”
    I get it and return to find he hasn’t moved. I clean the wound, and he squeezes my knee.
    “I hurt you?”
    He shakes his head. “I just want to feel you. Make sure you’re real.”
    I grin as warmth spills through me. “I’m real, and I’m here. And after this, I want to suck your dick. What do you think about that?”
    His cock twitches, and I laugh.
    I doctor his wound and seal a bandage over it. Then I take his boxer-briefs down and watch his cock spring free.
    I put my mouth around it, and his hands come down on my shoulders.
    “Angel. Angel, Angel…”
    He thrusts into my mouth. I moan, sending vibrations through his shaft.
    I take him deep down in my throat and cup my hand over his balls. That’s when he stiffens.
    My eyes fly up to his. I follow his gaze to the flatscreen and, when he remains frozen, I move my mouth off of him.
    “What’ s wrong?”
    He holds up a hand, and I listen to the announcer as the blood drains from his face.
    “…killed Blaine McGuire, leader of the Aryan Force at La Rosa. Police say Hammond will spend time in solitary confinement, and may well have his sentence extended.”
    It’s like a movie, how the next few minutes unfold.
    For the first thirty seconds or so after that, he just sits there, stone still. My heart races. That’s what he did to get this stab wound? He killed someone? My heart aches. My stomach hurts. I’m not sure what to say. And maybe it doesn’t even matter at the moment.
    He’s off the bed and across the room, yanking open drawers in his desk—ignoring me—when I hear footsteps in the hall. He flies to the bed and pulls me down off it, shoves me toward the bathroom. “Go in there, Angel. Stay quiet.”
    And so I see the whole thing happen through the vent at the bottom of the door. I see them burst through the bedroom door. Men in suits—one in a dress suit, and two others wearing black.
    The one in the suit says something I can’t hear, and Beast’s voice booms. “You fuckers lied to me.”
    The man in the suit chuckles. I don’t know who he is or what his role is here, but it’s an evil sound.
    One of the men wearing black pulls out what I think is a

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