Bearly Hers: A Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance

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Book: Bearly Hers: A Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance by Maria Amor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Amor
Going to the upper level, Gia wandered around, appreciating the artwork hung on the walls, and the intricate craftsmanship of the house. She hadn’t gone far when she spied a room with the door open. Bookshelves caught her attention.
    Peeking inside, she found an expansive room, an office-slash-library. A large desk sat near floor to ceiling windows, flanked by three walls covered in bookshelves. A large blue, red and white woven rug ran the middle of the room, soft brown leather chairs tastefully arranged for reading. Awed, Gia looked around the bookshelves. Some were filled with books, both old and new. Others displayed figurines and brass statues of bucking horses and cowboys or cattle and mustangs.
    Tall floor lamps with floral shades and glass pull strings sat in the corners. The room was a mixture of feminine and masculine—the Cross brothers’ parents study, she figured. Trey had mentioned his mother had a penchant for Western artwork, which was clearly displayed here.
    Moving to the desk, she noticed the bookshelf on the left held a variety of geodes. With an awed gasp, she lowered to her knees near the middle shelf, eyeing the selection of stunning rock. Some of the rocks offered concave middles with threads of pale pink and yellow crystals. Others were solid, like the one she’d seen downstairs, with iridescent colors reflecting back at her. She picked up a few, held them, and studied their colors.
    They were all beautiful, but two in the back caught her attention. Smaller than the other geodes, these had flat centers colored in midnight blue, and a floating trail of celestial green, red and purple. Small white dots sparkled through the colors, like stars.
    These must be the constellation geodes, Trey had mentioned. Picking up the smallest, Gia gingerly steadied it in her cupped hands. Inspecting the amazing colors, she then turned it around. The outer gray rock shell would have been nondescript except she noted a feathery imprint on the bottom. Like a fossil.
    The sound of a truck door closing broke her attention. Peeking out the window that displayed the front of the house below, she spotted Trey’s truck. He got out, followed by Xander, and both of them headed off to the barn. Trey paused and turned and looked at the house. A soft patter of rain dropped onto his head, dotting his hair with glistening drops. He looked as if he might come to the house, but Xander called out to him, and Trey continued toward the barn.
    Eager to see him, Gia slid the rock into her pocket and went downstairs for a sweater. By the time she’d slipped into her shoes and stepped out onto the porch, the rain had turned into a steady, light stream. She hurried to the barn, sidestepping small puddles on the dirt path. She was just about there when her cell chimed with a text. Pulling it from her pocket, she cupped her hand around the screen.
    I’m getting very angry with you, Gia. You’d better be where you say you are.
    Her heart fluttered, her face going cold. It was the same unknown number as before. Another text came through.
    Cross had better watch his back. I don’t share. You don’t want something bad to happen, do you?
    Shaking from a blend of the cool air and the ice in her veins from the nasty messages, Gia’s mind raced to think of some kind of reply. If she did, she’d be engaging him. There was no question in her mind that Mack was the culprit. But why? She’d done nothing to encourage his interest, or whatever it was he felt for her. She’d been purposefully rude and it hadn’t been enough to ward him off.
    Concerned over the vitriol in the texts, Gia waited to see if another would pop up. Would he really do something to Trey? Seriously, Mack couldn’t be stupid enough to go after Trey. She didn’t figure he’d get far by tangling with a clan of bear shifters, but if he did, he deserved whatever happened next. It wouldn’t be pretty.
    Despite Trey’s obvious ability to take care of himself, the unease

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