Beach Combing

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Book: Beach Combing by Emma Lee-Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Lee-Potter
Alfie wasn’t as enamoured of Oxford as he’d expected, Jago had fixed for them to visit him on location. Actually, Alfie had visited loads of Jago’s film sets so he wasn’t bothered about the expedition. Lara, however, was beside herself with excitement.
    At six am a gleaming silver Mercedes with blacked out windows drew up outside the hotel, then whisked them through the sleeping streets of Oxford. They headed out through Summertown and north to Blenheim Palace, where the actors were filming. It was only as the driver signalled left and drove through Blenheim’s imposing gates that Alfie finally sat up and paid attention.
    ‘That’s the biggest house I’ve ever seen,’ he announced when he caught sight of the huge mansion at the top of the drive.
    ‘I’m afraid we won’t be going inside,’ said Jago. ‘We’re shooting outside today. But there are acres of parkland to run around in and Lara will take you to the maze. Just make sure the pair of you don’t get lost.’
    First stop was Jago’s trailer, which was parked under an old chestnut tree a couple of hundred yards from the set. To Lara’s surprise it was far bigger than her London flat and, equipped with a sofa-bed, kitchen, bathroom and flatscreen TV, a million times more luxurious.
    ‘I’ve got to go straight into hair and make-up,’ said Jago, yawning lazily. ‘But you two should go and get something to eat. You can get breakfast in the marquee over there, Lara. Alfie knows the ropes.’
    Lara and Jago
ran through the rain and dived into the warmth of the marquee. Inside, the tent looked more like a stylish Shoreditch café than a makeshift canteen. At one end a couple of chefs were serving bacon and eggs, croissants and coffee while at the other actors and crew tucked into their breakfast at long wooden tables.
    Alfie was overcome with giggles when he spotted what some of the actors were wearing, especially the men in doublet and hose.
    ‘They look funny,’ he told Lara at the top of his voice.
    ‘Ssssh, they might be upset. And I’ve got a feeling that your dad will be wearing something like that too, so don’t laugh at him.’
    They helped themselves to croissants and fresh orange juice and then found a bench in the middle of the marquee.
    Lara was about to take a bite of her croissant when she heard someone calling her name.
    She put her hand to her mouth to stifle her amusement. It was Ollie, but he looked completely different from when she’d last seen him. His face, so bronzed in Cornwall, was caked in white foundation and his fair hair had been dyed brown. As for his outfit, it was extraordinary. Ollie wore a padded burgundy jacket with gold brocade piping, voluminous knee-length breeches and a white ruff around his neck.
    ‘Oh my God, Ollie,’ giggled Lara. ‘I nearly didn’t recognise you. I don’t think you’d get away with that outfit in St Grace.’
    Ollie did a mock bow and then twirled on his heel to show off the full ensemble.
    ‘Like it?’ he demanded.
    Lara tried to keep a straight face. ‘It’s original, I’ll give you that. But what are you doing here?’
    ‘I’ve had a career change,’ said Ollie, a hint of pride in his voice. ‘Do you remember Francesca? Her dad is Jago Dunlop’s agent.’
    Lara nodded. ‘Of course. I met her at Jago’s party. Just before we left Cornwall.’
    ‘Well , Francesca told me that her dad was on at Jago to get her a part in his new film. So the next morning I texted her and asked her about it. I think Jago had been fobbing her dad off but Bertie Brown’s a persistent bugger and the upshot was that the casting director agreed to see Francesca in London. To cut a long story short, I persuaded Francesca to let me go with her. And guess what?’
    ‘What?’ asked Lara.
    ‘Francesca only got a part as an extra. But the casting director took one look at me and said I’d be perfect as one of Henry VIII’s servants.’
    ‘So you got the part?’
    ‘Yeah. I still

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