Be My Valentine

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Book: Be My Valentine by Debbie Macomber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
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to reply that it was probably nerves when he said, “Not to worry, I have a cure for that.” Before she’d guessed his intention, he leaned forward and brushed his mouth over hers.
    He was right. The instant his lips touched hers, hot color exploded in her cheeks. She felt herself swaying toward him, and Steve caught her gently by the shoulders.
    â€œThat was a mistake,” he whispered once they’d moved apart. “Now the only thing I’m hungry for is you. Forget the dinner.”
    â€œI…think we should go inside now,” she said, glancing around the parking lot, praying no one had witnessed the kiss.
    Light and laughter spilled out from the wide double doors of the Port Blossom Community Center. The soft strains of a romantic ballad beckoned them in.
    Steve took her coat and hung it on the rack in the entry. She waited for him, feeling more jittery than ever. When he’d finished, Steve slipped his arm about her waist and led her into the main room.
    â€œSteve Creighton!” They had scarcely stepped into the room when Steve was greeted by a robust man with a salt-and-pepper beard. Glancing curiously at Dianne, the stranger slapped Steve on the back and said, “It’s about time you attended one of our functions.”
    Steve introduced Dianne to the man, whose name was Sam Horton. The name was vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn’t quite place it.
    Apparently reading her mind, Steve said, “Sam’s the president of the Chamber of Commerce.”
    â€œAh, yes,” Dianne said, impressed to meet one of the community’s more distinguished members.
    â€œMy wife, Renée,” Sam said, absently glancing around, “is somewhere in this mass of humanity.” Then he turned back to Steve. “Have you two found a table yet? We’d consider it a pleasure to have you join us.”
    â€œDianne?” Steve looked at her.
    â€œThat would be very nice, thank you.” Wait until her mother heard this. She and Steve dining with the Chamber of Commerce president! Dianne couldn’t help smiling. No doubt her mother would attribute this piece of good luck to the pearls. Sam left to find his wife, in order to introduce her to Dianne.
    â€œDianne Williams! It’s so good to see you.” The voice belonged to Beth Martin, who had crossed the room, dragging her husband, Ralph, along with her. Dianne knew Beth from the PTA. They’d worked together on the spring carnival the year before. Actually, Dianne had done most of the work while Beth had done the delegating. The experience had been enough to convince Dianne not to volunteer for this year’s event.
    Dianne introduced Steve to Beth and Ralph. Dianne felt a small sense of triumph as she noted the way Beth eyed Steve. This man was worth every single penny of the money he was costing her!
    The two couples chatted for a few moments, then Steve excused himself. Dianne watched him as he walked through the room, observing how the eyes of several women followed him. He did make a compelling sight, especially in his well-cut suit.
    â€œHow long have you known Steve Creighton?” Beth asked the instant Steve was out of earshot. She moved closer to Dianne, as though she was about to hear some well-seasoned gossip.
    â€œA few weeks now.” It was clear that Beth was hoping Dianne would elaborate, but Dianne had no intention of doing so.
    â€œDianne.” Shirley Simpson, another PTA friend, moved to her side. “Is that Steve Creighton you’re with?”
    â€œYes.” She’d had no idea Steve was so well known.
    â€œI swear he’s the cutest man in town. One look at him and my toes start to curl.”
    When she’d approached Steve with this proposal, Dianne hadn’t a clue she would become the envy of her friends. She really had got a bargain.
    â€œAre you sitting with anyone yet?” Shirley asked. Beth bristled as though offended she hadn’t

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