Baylin House (Cassandra Crowley Mystery)

Read Online Baylin House (Cassandra Crowley Mystery) by L. J. Parker - Free Book Online

Book: Baylin House (Cassandra Crowley Mystery) by L. J. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. J. Parker
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his hearing is very acute. Loud noises are actually painful to
him. We planned to bring him back before the holidays anyway. The issue with
the neighbor just lets us move him sooner, and at his own request rather than
    Gorduno absorbed what she said. Baxter kept scratching in
his notebook.
    “For all the men who live away,” Bea continued, “Harvey goes
to visit each man at least once a week just to make sure they have the right
foods in the cupboard and that they’re keeping their residences clean and sanitary.
They have all learned to do very well, but we still monitor them. We supply a
few prepared meals from here, and Harvey takes each man to the grocery store at
least twice a month to replenish supply. If one of the men should become ill,
and mind you, we’re talking about men in their seventies and eighties now, if
they become ill with even a minor cold, they need help deciding whether to just
rest for a few days or to make a doctor appointment. They have state insurance
for that, but not all of them understand how to fill out the forms to use it. I
make the appointments and Harvey drives them and helps with the paperwork. Doctors.
Dentists. Eyeglasses. Even clothes shopping is supervised by Baylin House. That’s
in our contract with the state.”
    “So most of the tasks away from the residence are Harvey’s
job,” Detective Baxter said, nodding. “We’ll need Harvey’s full name and ID.”
    “His name is Harvey Richards. He needs to stay with Miss
Rosalie a while longer, but I could go and get his ID cards if that will do for
    “Yes, thank you,” Gorduno said.
    When Bea went to the hall and disappeared, Cassie took
advantage of the short silence. “So your investigation somehow led you to Mr.
    Dorothy cleared her throat loudly; Cassie pretended it
wasn’t aimed at her.
    Detective Baxter glanced from one to the other with the
beginning of a smile, but then quickly concentrated on his little notebook
again, his ballpoint moving steadily on the paper.
    “Well?” Cassie demanded.
    Gorduno and Baxter flashed each other a look.
    “Cassandra!” Dorothy sputtered, “This is really none of our
    Gorduno cut her off. “We just have to follow up on all the
names that come to our attention, Ms. Crowley. It wouldn’t be helpful to read
any more into it than that.”
    Bea returned with another lanyard. “These are Harvey’s ID
cards. I’m sure you’ll find everything in order.”
    “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you,” Baxter purred, taking the cards. He
didn’t raise his eyes; he read each of Harvey’s ID cards and made more of his
endless notes in that little notebook. Cassie was surprised it wasn’t all used
up by now.
    “Brady Irwin seemed pretty easy going when we talked to
him,” Gorduno ventured, talking to no one in particular. “Does he handle anger
pretty well? I mean in stressful situations. Does he do all right as far as you
know?” Gorduno was obviously offering bait and not being subtle about it.
    Bea opened her mouth to answer. Then her eyes narrowed, her
jaw went tight. “If you spoke to him as you say, then you know his personality
is like a happy child around twelve years old. That does not change. He doesn’t
    “He takes medication for--”
    “No, he does not take medication for anything. That’s just
the personality he was born with. He has a friendly soul.”
    “Uh-huh,” Gorduno said, frowning pensively. “But how does he
handle unusual situations? Like if someone yells at him, or makes him feel
threatened? Does he become violent then?”
    “Brady Irwin has never been violent in his life. He simply lacks
that capacity in his brain, and that’s a congenital condition, not a choice.” Bea
spoke through her teeth, clearly angry at the inference. “Really, Detectives,
if there’s something specific that I need to address on Brady’s behalf, please
tell me now. Otherwise, I’m asking you to leave. In fact, I’m asking everyone

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