Battle Road

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Book: Battle Road by Frank Gerry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Gerry
about what you saw? Because something like that would have had to be on the news.” Brooks was ready for his friends obvious point. “Exactly! That is the most troubling thing. I mean, the deaths of those student's was bad, of course. But the really troubling thing was why this wasn't reported in the news. I didn't know whether to call the TV stations and find out or just keep my mouth shut.”
    Dylan was taking it all in, “Well you were smart not to call anybody.” Brooks thought about what he saw for a few more seconds before adding, “Something really bad is going on. Why wouldn't that have made the news? I mean any news. I searched everything.”
    The two friends became silent again as they drove over the Longfellow Bridge towards Cambridge. Dylan wondered to himself if Brooks really wasn't exaggerating an ordinary police bust. He just didn't know what to make of it.
    Brooks turned the car onto Joanne's street. At that time of the evening, they'd still be plenty of on street parking available. Most of the residents of the upscale neighborhood were doctor's, lawyers, and other workaholic professionals. “I don't see any spots,” Brooks spoke as he drove slowly, looking for a space. “Over there,” Dylan called out, pointing to an empty area between two cars. “Nope,” Brooks responded after seeing the fire hydrant. They drove past Joanne's apartment building unable to find a space. Brooks continued driving to the end of the street, still nothing. He was about to take a left and try the next side street when Dylan spied a car leaving from the corner parking spot, “On your right, he's leaving.” “Excellent,” Brooks said with a big grin on his face.
    After Brooks pulled into the spot, Dylan looked at his friend, “Timing is everything.”
    “That's true, hey you want another hit before we go in?” Brooks asked.
    “ Nah, I don't wanna get too fucked up. You know me. I can't talk to people when I get really high. I have a nice mellow buzz going right now.”
    “ Me too. Just right,” Brooks added.
    Dylan reached back and grabbed his bottle of vodka before climbing out of the car. Brooks pulled out a case of still cold micro-brewed beer from the back seat.
    They walked towards Joanne's place carrying the booze. Dylan spoke first, “Lets not talk about the shootings you saw the other night. Let's just have a good time. We'll talk more about that later.” Brooks was in total agreement. “Absolutely, I intend to get laid tonight. I'm not about to bring up any dreary topics that will bring everyone down, including myself.”
    “ Great, so lets party,” Dylan said. He let out a loud howl like he was a college kid again.  
    Brooks did the same.
    They reached the porch entrance to Joanne's apartment. It was an old triple decker that was beautifully restored, located in one of the last remaining historic neighborhoods of Cambridge. Joanne lived on the third floor. Brooks rang the bell and turned to Dylan, “Oh, I forgot to mention, Joanne has a slice lined up for you tonight.” Dylan shot back, “Yeah she mentioned it to me. But I told her I didn't want to get fixed up. I'd meet her, but no expectations.” Brooks let out a hearty laugh, letting his friend in on the secret, “You don't know women at all do you. Of course she's going to have expectations. She'll just be more nonchalant about doing it.”
    Joanne opened the door before Dylan could respond. “Hey you guys. Come on in,” she said. Joanne was feeling good. She looked as if she'd already had a couple glasses of wine. She gave each of them a big hug as they entered the doorway.
    The party seemed as if it had been going for quite some time as they made their way through the open doorway to the third floor apartment. Every room had groups of men and women partying while they tried talking to one another over the classic rock music piped in by the sound system. The smell of marijuana floated through the air. Joanne tried to introduce Brooks

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