Basic Attraction

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Book: Basic Attraction by Erin McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy
definitely wasn’t intimidated by her. As his mouth did moist and warm things to her fingers, she shivered in unexpected pleasure. She closed her eyes and sank into the sensation of her body waking up, tingling all over in heightened awareness.
    “So?” She was full of snappy comebacks tonight.
    He chuckled softly. “So if it’s all right with you, I’m going to get rid of this food then show you how much I appreciate how beautiful you are.”
    Her fingers still wet from his tongue, she pulled her hand back and gaped at him. Somehow the word appreciate had never sounded so good.
    “Don’t move,” he commanded. “I want you just like that when I get back. Flushed and excited. Surprised.”
    She couldn’t have moved if the house were burning to the ground. Staring dumbly, she watched him scoop up all the food and garbage in his arms and carry it to the kitchen, moving quickly but not rushing.
    When he came back, he was tugging his fingers through his hair and moving closer and closer to her. He scooted the cat carrier up against the front door and tossed a toy mouse into it. Greedy dove for the bait, jumping into the carrier.
    She wondered if Luke remembered that there was a gift from Greedy’s stomach still residing in that carrier. The thought fled when he squatted down in front of the speaker on the floor next to the TV. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and docked it there.
    “Sure.” Bracing herself for some of the garage band music she knew he favored, she tried not to wince when he hit play. A violin and a flute danced softly into the room. A sigh escaped her. Trying to understand the complicated man in front of her, she whispered, “Handel. You like classical music?”
    “At the right moment.” He turned to her. “Can I kiss you, Sheri?”
    He looked so serious, so tender, that she started to tremble. She wanted him to so much. There was no good reason to say no. “Yes.”
    “Thank God,” he murmured as he reached for her, his knees on the carpet.
    Helping him shorten the distance, she rocked forward, her leg pressing into the rubber sole of her hiking boot. He searched her face, raking over every inch until, at the last second, she closed her eyes.
    Then his lips touched hers, and she moaned. He was firm, warm, in control—just the way she envisioned everything about him. It only took light contact, and she was desperate for more. She claimed his hair with her fingers, diving into it, fascinated by its softness.
    His head tilted as he urged her mouth open with his tongue. When his warm, slick tongue slipped inside, she felt a jolt in her whole body that left her gasping. Never had she wanted so much, so fast, and she leaned farther, trying to press herself against him.
    The boot was in her way. She stumbled over her own foot and lost her handhold on his head. Luke was breathing hard, his lips wet from their kisses, his hair standing on end from her ruthless ransacking. She wanted him so badly she felt itchy. With maniacal, jerky movements, she grabbed her boot and pulled, tossing it behind her before yanking off the other one.
    Her wool hiking socks looked ridiculous on her size-ten feet, so she peeled those off too and wiggled her toes.
    Watching her, Luke brushed his finger back and forth on the bottom of her foot. “Are you ticklish?”
    Already struggling not to laugh, she nodded. “Yes.” Painfully so. She jerked as he tickled with all of his fingers. “Stop it.”
    Tucking her feet behind her, she grabbed his hand to stop him from pursuing her, still giggling.
    “Where else are you ticklish?” He grinned devilishly at her.
    “Nowhere,” she lied nonchalantly.
    “How about here?” He tickled her arm.
    To her credit, she was only mildly affected.
    “Or here?” He swept her into his arms, pushing her back on the carpet with one hand while the other attacked her abdomen.
    It was agonizing. She doubled over in a fit of laughter, air wheezing in and out of her lungs.

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