Basement Level 5: Never Scared

Read Online Basement Level 5: Never Scared by L. R. Wright - Free Book Online

Book: Basement Level 5: Never Scared by L. R. Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. R. Wright
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Action, CIA, Women's Fiction, Danger, spies, Assassins, cia assassins
Instead, he wrapped his free hand around Lei’s throat.
    “ Drop your gun, Tommy, or I’ll blow you to hell,” Alexa commanded softly.
    Dro couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of his wife. She was beautiful—top to bottom. Dressed in black pants that hugged her body like a second skin, a short, black leather jacket, and knee-high leather boots, she had her hair pulled back into a long ponytail.
    “ Did you hear what I said?” she repeated. “Drop it. I won’t tell you again.”
    “ I knew you would come,” the man breathed.
    “ Really? You knew that? Did you also know that when I came, I would kill you?”
    Kendrick snorted.
    “ Shut up.” Tommy glared at Kendrick a moment before adding, “I have been waiting for you, Alexa.”
    “ Good. I’ve been waiting to kill you. Now. Let. Him. Go.”
    “ Paul said you were tough, but that you had a heart. You won’t shoot me. You’re just a trapped, scared woman.”
    She tilted her head to the side. “Really?” Gunfire erupted, reverberating in the small space. Two quick bursts. Tommy released Lei and slid to the floor.
    Lei touched a finger to his temple then glared at Alexa. “I guess it’s a good thing you still go to the range occasionally.”
    She shrugged. “Sorry.”
    Tommy screamed in pain as blood gushed from his kneecaps. Cursing, he rolled over on his back.
    Alexa stood over him, her feet on either side of his body. She bent down, practically straddling him.
    You know,” she said sweetly. “I hate men who think that just because I’m a woman, I’m scared. You made many mistakes in your attempt to avenge your brother’s death. First, you underestimated me because I’m female.” A right hook to his face snapped his neck to the right. “Then you held my brother at gun point.” The ball of her fist snapped the cartilage in his nose.
    He screamed again, blood dripping from his nose and into his mouth.
    She tipped his chin up with her gun. “Look at me.”
    He slowly opened his eyes, whimpering in pain.
    She ran a gloved finger down the arch of his nose and pushed down hard, causing him to scream again. “Then you walked into my house and ruined all my furniture—” She clocked him hard with the butt of her gun. “—smashed all the dishes.”
    She stood and stomped on his groin, twisting her heel. His shrill screams bounced off the walls. “You believed that punk-ass brother of yours.” She lifted his head and slammed it on the wood floor. “And you frightened my children.”
    Whipping out a knife from somewhere on her body, she pressed it against his neck. “But you know what’s funny? After doing all those things, you still cry like a little bitch. Poor baby. You’re upset because Paul died? Well, your brother was a grown-ass man who made some very bad decisions and became a thief. My children aren’t grown and you scared them when you and your asshole friends charged in here and terrorized us. I don’t like it when my children are scared.”
    He flinched when the knife dug into the skin below his ear. “Looks like you made one too many mistakes. Do you have something to say for yourself? Huh? Are you ready to apologize for all the trouble you caused my family?”
    Tommy coughed and blood seeped out of his mouth, but the fool remained silent.
    Alexa backhanded him. “You don’t have anything to say?” She pressed her forearm against his throat causing him to gasp for air. “So, you’re okay with me slicing your throat from ear to ear?”
    “ B—bitch,” he hissed between grunts.
    “ Bitch, huh?” She snorted. “Is that all you got? Well, judging by the amount of blood you’ve lost, you don’t have long to live, anyway. And just to show you I’m not totally heartless, I’m going to give you the chance to die with some dignity. Tell me what you know and I’ll end your life quickly and efficiently. But if you choose to remain mute, I’ll put a few more holes in you then leave you here to die a slow painful

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