Bargaining for the Billionaire

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Book: Bargaining for the Billionaire by JM Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: JM Stewart
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his feet. Pacing away from the couch, he dragged his hands through his hair. He hated lying to her. Oh for sure when she found out, she’d be pissed, but he’d waited three years for this chance. Three long damn years of trying to move on with his life, but not being able to. Because he missed her.
    He needed her to know he hadn’t hidden the truth to hurt her, that he hadn’t intended for her to find out his real name the way she had. Damn it, he needed her to know the truth. Everything he would have told her that weekend, had she shown up.
    It would mean eventually bearing an ugly, painful wound, though. He’d have to show her the scars on his back and share all those dark places. The things he’d spent sixteen years trying to forget. He still saw his father on occasion. He’d left home at thirteen, because living on the streets was better than living with an angry drunk, never knowing if he’d be safe going to sleep at night. Yet now that he’d gotten his life together, dear ol’ dad would call or show up out of the blue, pretending everything was great. As if all those years of abuse hadn’t happened. That the damn scars on his back didn’t exist or he hadn’t spent a year on the streets and not once had the man come searching for him.
    “I don’t care what you do with the little bastard….”
    His father’s words that long ago day rang in his head. That was the day Arthur had sought parental custody. Doing so had meant months in court and a restraining order, but in the end, his biological father hadn’t contested.
    The ping of an incoming instant message sounded from the vicinity of the couch behind him. Right. He’d left Maddie hanging. With a sigh, he resumed his seat and opened his laptop lid. A new message blinked out at him from the screen.
    MadHatter3000: Did I scare you off?
    For all her bravado and sass, deep down, Maddie had insecurities, like everybody else. It’s what he loved so much about her. She was humble and honest.
    And you’re lying to her.
    Guilt rose over him again, tightening his stomach, and for a moment, he could only stare at the screen. He hadn’t meant for their chats to go this far. He’d only meant to draw her out of herself, for her to get to know him again. He couldn’t back out now, though. Not without telling another lie, which would go against everything he wanted: to earn her trust. The only way for that to happen would be to act natural. Otherwise, she’d know something was up. This had to work. He couldn’t lose her again.
    BookNerd: Sorry. Had to get up for a minute. I’ll quote somebody else I know. I don’t scare so easily. ;)
    MadHatter3000: Thought perhaps I was little too honest.
    BookNerd: I like honesty. Truth is, my real name’s not Dave. I wanted anonymity until we met at the auction. Tell me what you’re doing.
    MadHatter3000: I’m staring at you, actually. You’re very yummy inspiration. I’ve started without you.
    Grayson groaned, his cock twitching against his belly. He’d taken a huge chance by sending her that pic, on the off chance she’d recognize him somehow. His only saving grace was knowing she’d never seen him with his shirt off, a fact he’d made sure of up until now. Back then, she’d wanted to take things slow, and he’d been happy to let her, in part because he feared the scars on his back would disgust her. It hadn’t happened yet with any of his previous lovers, but the fear was still there, nonetheless.
    The thought of the conversation that would follow terrified him. Those were memories he only wanted to forget. He’d moved so far beyond the terrified boy he’d once been, but he would carry the scars forever.
    Those words from Maddie, though, were the entire reason he’d taken the chance.
    BookNerd: God, you have no idea how much of a turn-on that is, to know you’re over there with your fingers buried in your pussy, thinking about me. Exactly how wet are you, baby?
    MadHatter3000: Very. It’s all hot and

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