Aubergine feel better. I do too. Maybe she would cheer up if you brought her some sweet treats." She pointed at Riverbend, directly across from them on the other side of the river. "I made some raspberry and white chocolate brownies at the café this morning. They may even still be warm."
Chuck's scowl softened. "That's a good idea. I bet she would like that. Thank you for the suggestion." He nodded at the notebook, which was wobbling on her shaking knees. "I'll let you get back to your writing. Have a good day."
She watched Chuck jog across the bridge then disappear into Riverbend. Apparently, he had liked her idea on how to improve his sad wife's mood. For a few irrational seconds, Amy had thought he might pick up the bench she was sitting on and throw it, along with her, into the river in a fit of fury over his wife taking a hit from Phoebe's bad attitude. His caveman soccer player impression had been an unexpected show of anger from the usually gentle giant. Amy put away the notebook and fished her phone out of her purse. She now had more important things to brainstorm beyond blog posts.
Half an hour later, she pulled her Mini into the driveway Carla and Shepler shared with their townhouse neighbors. Amy always made sure to stay on the right side of the cement pad to make sure her parking habits didn't cause problems for Carla. Vengeful neighbors were the last things the harried momma needed to deal with. Taking care of a very opinionated munchkin twenty-four hours a day was more than enough of a challenge.
Outraged screeches filtered through the front door as Amy walked up the path to the entrance. She pressed the doorbell. The baby noises stopped for a few seconds then started again with more feeling and greater gusto. The dead bolt clicked, and the door swung open. Amy took a step backward.
Carla's short chestnut-colored hair stuck out in random, oddly-shaped clumps. The front of her oversized, white T-shirt sported a giant brown cow spot, most likely coffee but possibly originating from the baby. She squinted at Amy. "I'll answer your questions after I take a shower."
Before she even had a chance to protest, Amy found herself in the living room alone with an unhappy baby. "So what am I going to do with you?" she asked Macy. The baby responded by balling her hands into tiny fists and doing an impression of a boxer pummeling an invisible punching bag. Being put in charge of an upset miniature pugilist was not what she had expected when she called to ask if she could come over.
Amy extracted Macy from the infant swing and tried bouncing the baby on her knee. She had seen Carla do the bouncy-knee move many times. Macy smiled for a few seconds then her face contorted into a grimace. She momentarily resumed her shadow-boxing match but stilled when Amy felt a warm vibration originating from her diaper.
"Oh, no. You didn't just do what I think you did." She looked at the smiling baby. An ominous gurgle came from deep inside the diaper as the heat on Amy's knee intensified. She gingerly lifted up the infant and turned her to the side. A mustard-colored stain was blooming on the back of her onesie above her leggings. Amy glanced at the stairway which Carla had disappeared up. An answer to her silent plea for help came in the form of the sound of water running through pipes in the nearby wall. Carla had just turned on the water to start her shower. So Amy was on her own. She held the giggling baby out in front of her as she hurried to the nursery. "It's just you and me, kiddo. Let's work together on this, please."
Watching Carla and Geri changing the baby dozens of times still didn't prepare her for the ordeal of a cataclysmic diaper blow out. The scene when she unlatched the tabs on the diaper made her swoon. Then, Macy magically transformed into a miniature ninja, repeatedly blocking Amy's advances with the baby wipes using perfectly timed kicks and jabs. How often did messes like that happen? And why was Macy smiling
Jordan Silver
Jack Hunt
Michele Sinclair
L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt
Bethany Bazile
Kiki Swinson
A Kiss in the Dark
Diana L. Sharples
Steve Ulfelder
Irwin Shaw