Bad Samaritan

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Book: Bad Samaritan by Aimée Thurlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimée Thurlo
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several long moments, then shook his head. “I didn’t notice anyone, but that’s not to say they weren’t there. I had my attention focused on other things.”
    â€œHow did you happen to arrive on the crime scene when you did?” Sister Agatha asked.
    â€œOne of our biggest campaign contributors showed up late, just in time for the fireworks. I wanted him and Robert to meet face-to-face, but by then Robert had slipped away. I searched around the park looking for him, but . . . I was too late,” he added, shaking his head.
    She was about to press him for more details when she saw Mayor Garcia working his way toward them from across the room. His look made it clear that she was as welcome as bubonic plague.
    â€œIf the sheriff’s claiming it was self-defense, Sister, he’s got a big credibility gap to cover,” Russo continued. “Even with the stick Robert was holding, the sheriff could have easily overpowered him. He could have just sprayed him in the face, for one. I saw the can of Mace, or whatever, on the sheriff’s gun belt.” He paused. “If I were you, I’d concentrate on saving souls and let law enforcement officers solve the crimes. Your interference will only complicate matters in this community. Why don’t you go home, Sister Agatha?”
    â€œWe came to let the family know we’ll be praying for them and everyone who’s involved in this tragedy, Mr. Russo.”
    â€œThat’s not the only reason you’re here. You came hoping to learn something that might help you get the sheriff off the hook. I’m used to putting spin on just about everything, Sister, so don’t try to kid a kidder.”
    Glancing past Russo, Sister Agatha saw the mayor pointing her out to another man, probably one of his security staff.
    â€œI don’t want to be responsible for unsettling the family, so I’ll leave now,” Sister Agatha said.
    â€œExcellent decision,” Russo answered.
    Signaling Sister Bernarda, who’d been watching them, she hurried to the door. Less than five minutes later, they were in the Antichrysler heading down the highway.
    â€œI think the mayor would have had you escorted off the property if we’d stayed even two more minutes,” Sister Bernarda said.
    â€œYeah, I saw what was going on. That’s why I figured it was time for us to go.”
    â€œI’m going to stop by Smitty’s on our way back,” Sister Bernarda said. “I promised to pick up a few things for Maria Victoria.”
    â€œPlease tell me it’s not more salsa,” Sister Agatha said with a groan.
    Sister Bernarda smiled. “No, we lucked out on that. Maria Victoria wanted us to see if Smitty could be persuaded to donate some fresh green chiles. One of our neighbors brought us a huge roasting chicken, and Sister is making chicken enchiladas tomorrow.”
    â€œMake real sure that they’re
chiles, will you?” Sister Agatha asked. “Those last burritos of hers nearly burned through the roof of my mouth.”
    â€œThat’s because Maria Victoria used green chiles from Mrs. Serna’s garden. To the Sernas, that
    â€œI grew up eating green chiles in this part of the country,” Sister Agatha said, “but if that wasn’t hot, I’d sure hate to taste what is. I was sweating, and my eyes were tearing. And did you see poor Reverend Mother’s reaction? She took a bite, gasped, and reached for her water—which, of course, is the worst thing she could have done. Crackers or bread puts out the fire; water just spreads it around.”
    Sister Bernarda’s lips twitched; then she burst out laughing. “The only one who came out okay that day was Sister Ignatius, who’d been feeling under the weather and decided to have Sister Clothilde’s chicken soup instead.”
    â€œI really miss Sister Clothilde,” Sister Agatha said

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