Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2)

Read Online Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2) by Jade Allen - Free Book Online

Book: Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2) by Jade Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade Allen
boot, and it’s a bad life choice?” I shook my head. “What can I do to please
you, woman?” She grinned slowly.
    “In about ten minutes, you can have sex with me again,” she
suggested. “If I’m going to make a bad choice, I might as well get full value
for it.” I chuckled and kissed her sweat-sticky cheek.
    “I will give you bonus value for your bad choice,” I told
her. “Ten minutes. Just you wait.”

    “Time to start thinking about waking up, everyone!” I
groaned, wrapping my arms tighter around Olivia’s waist and pressing my face
against her shoulder in protest. I had no idea what time it was, other than too
fucking early. “Radio interview in two hours, folks. Check in at the hotel in
an hour.”
    “Jesus fuck, Hannah, shut the hell up!” I felt Olivia
shaking with laughter at the sound of Jules’ voice from two bunks over.
    “If you’re not out of your bunk when we park at the hotel,
don’t blame me when Ron dumps a bucket of ice on you,” Hannah countered. I
started chuckling too, my hands wandering up to Olivia’s tits, naked under the
sheets and blankets.
    “Check-in at the hotel in one hour,” I murmured lowly in her
ear. “That’s enough time to fool around and get a cup of coffee.” I
rubbed my thumb against her nipple slowly, back and forth until it hardened
under my touch. “What do you say?” Olivia squirmed against me, a soft half-moan
leaving her lips. Her hips pushed down, her ass rubbed against my already
hardening cock.
    “Everyone---everyone is going to know what we’re doing,” she
said, her breath catching in her throat as I let my other hand slide down
between her legs.
    “Not if you’re quiet,” I pointed out, nibbling at the
sensitive skin just under her ear.
    “They’re like…five feet away,” Olivia murmured, even as my
fingers slipped and slid between her slick folds.
    “You’re already turned on,” I told her, keeping my voice
playful. “I mean, if you enjoy waiting until we get to the hotel…” I nipped at
her earlobe. “I’m fine with letting you get dressed and taking care of
myself…and watching you squirm in the lounge while you try to pretend like
you’re working…”
    “You’d jack off with the rest of the guys less than five
yards away from you?” Olivia’s voice rippled with amusement; she shuddered as
my fingers found her clit and started rubbing.
    “I’d jack off with them in the same room,” I told her. “In
fact, I’ve done it. We had to share hotel rooms last tour.” Olivia chuckled, a
soft little moan leaving her throat as she began to move, rubbing against me,
trying to get better contact with my fingers against her clit.
    “If—if I didn’t have…really…really good evidence—to the
contrary,” she said, panting, “I’d think…there was something to those rumors…”
I laughed, sliding one finger inside of her slowly.
    “No privacy on a tour,” I told her, working my finger in and
out slowly, feeling her muscles flex around me. “I told you that the other
    “When you had me up against a wall…backstage…” Olivia shook
her head. “Good thing I was wearing a skirt.”
    “Why do you think I got you that way?” I slid another finger
inside of her. “Much, much easier than sneaking back to the bus.” I turned her
face towards me and kissed her on the lips. “Come on, Liv. I can feel how much
you want this.” My thumb swiped against her clit, and her muscles tightened
around my fingers inside of her, clamping down. “Everyone already knows we’re
fucking.” I felt her hesitate for just a second longer; but then she turned in
my arms, looking up into my eyes.
    “If you make me scream, I’m going to write an article about
you being the gayest gay man ever,” she told me, her lips twitching with the
start of a smile. I laughed and slid my fingers out of her, covering her body
with my own and bringing my mouth down to hers. I kissed her hungrily, shifting
down between her

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