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be made. Across from him, Suzy covered her ears with her hands.
    “I’m sorry,” he said lowly.
    “Did that feel good?” she asked, uncovering her ears.
    “Damn good, actually,” he admitted.
    “Nicky, I’m only going to say this one more time and I’m dropping the subject forever because it’s straining my friendship with Lynsey. Please, please tell her how you feel. I know that she loves you too. You are a good man, and you are good enough for her. She would be very lucky to have you as a husband.”
    Suzy didn’t understand that he and Lynsey shared too much negativity in their past to see their way to a future together. He knew he had broken her heart beyond repair or forgiveness, and everything that happened was entirely his doing.
    “All I can say Suzy is, don’t get your hopes up for something that will probably never happen.”
    When Nick got home, he climbed the stairs in search of Lynsey. The door to her bedroom was open and she was lying on her stomach, propped up by her elbows. She was so absorbed in the newspaper that she didn’t notice him standing in the doorway.
    Dressed in a little pair of denim shorts that accentuated her shapely bottom and a green shirt that hugged her curves, she was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever known, and he still loved her as much as he had twenty years earlier. He only wished he could explain to her that he had loved her enough to let her go all those years ago so she could become the success that she was now. But he didn’t know how to approach the subject, or if she would even want to discuss it with him.
    She looked up from the newspaper and smiled at him. “Hi, Nicky.”
    His stomach clenched painfully when he realized that their time together, even as chaste as it was, would soon come to an end. She would be in her new home being romanced by that pig Caleb Smith.
    “I know that Suzy’s pressuring you to tell her what went on between the two of us all those years ago, and that it’s straining your friendship. I just want to say that it’s okay with me if you want to tell her. I would rather it came from you. I wouldn’t feel comfortable speaking with my sister about something so personal.”
    Lynsey maneuvered herself into a sitting position on the bed. “Are you sure, Nicky? I’m perfectly happy to keep our past between the two of us. It’s really not anyone else’s business but ours.”
    He leaned against the doorframe. “I know it is, Lynsey, but if you feel you want to tell her, just do it. I’m not ashamed of what happened between us.”
    He was ashamed by what happened—not for falling in love with her, but for the shabby way he had treated her after they made love. It set off a chain of events that drove her into Caleb Smith’s arms.
    He forced a smile that he didn’t feel and walked back downstairs to start the kettle on the stove. As he waited for the water to boil, he couldn’t stop thinking about the past. There was so much he wanted to say to Lynsey. He wanted to ask her why she had kept their secret for so long. At any time, she could have gone to Kelly and blown his marriage to smithereens. But she hadn’t, even though he had hurt her beyond forgiveness.
    But realistically, he knew that even if Lynsey was out for revenge, and had gone to Kelly with the truth that he had been unfaithful to her just two weeks before their marriage, it wouldn’t have changed things. After all, he suspected that Kelly knew all along, anyway. No, that wasn’t quite right—he was sure that Kelly knew.
    When the coffee was ready, he took a seat at the kitchen table and thought back to the tension between him and Kelly over the years whenever the subject of Lynsey surfaced.
    Every time there was an article or photograph in a newspaper or magazine about Lynsey, Suzy would bring him a copy. When Kelly would make a snide comment about Lynsey and her success, he mostly just held his tongue to keep the peace. Kelly was

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