Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)

Read Online Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1) by Tara Oakes - Free Book Online

Book: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1) by Tara Oakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Oakes
ever want to watch it . ” He taps the glass and points to the giant wicker furniture on the other side of the window.
    “ The bathroom has been redone, and you know my room is just on the other side of this door if you need... anything , ” he steps over to a side pocket door next to the bathroom and opens it to show me the dark interior of his sleep chamber. He closes the door halfway and shrugs his shoulders.  “ You know, if you have a nightmare or something . ”
    I had forgotten about the secret door joining the two rooms. Well, as long as he does n’ t plan on barging in, I do n’ t see a problem.
    “ I do n’ t have nightmares anymore, Dom . ” I can see the embarrassment spread over his tired eyes. I feel guilty that I have possible caused that.
    “ Bu t …”   I try to lighten the mood , “ ... if I do, yo u’ ll be the first to know. I promise. You look exhausted from the trip. You should get some sleep . ”
    I quickly regret my suggestion. If he heads off to sleep, I’ ll be by myself. I have n’ t spent this much time alone with him in years, and I t’ s really nice. Not sure what to say, I just stand there shifting my weight back and forth from one foot to the other. Like me, he must also be at a loss for words, with the charged silence growing between us.
    He steps forward and kisses my cheek softly. I can smell the remnants of his cologne lingering around his skin. I t’ s spicy and warm, and I want to surround myself in it.
    “ Sweet dreams, Baby V , ”   he whispers into my ear as he lifts his lips from my skin. I feel the weight of his breathing down on me as he stands no more than an inch away.
    Feeling weightless, I think I may be floating from the sensation. My mind floods with speeding images as if I am whirling by them, unable to stop. The pressured pulses building in my veins begin to thud deeply in my ears. I am spinning out of control, but remain still as a rock, mentally grasping for anything to latch onto.
    I find myself desperately wanting Dom to hold me tight, safe, until the storm around me calms. Unsure of how to tell him what I need when I hardly understand it myself, all I can muster is a faint  “ Mmm, Hm m ”   preceding a deep gulp as my eyes widen to watch his own deflate and slowly pull away toward his bedroom door.
    Dom pauses before closing the door gently behind him ,“ Just knock if you need me . ”
    Oh I need him alright.
    Oh my God! What am I saying, er, thinking to myself? I reach out to touch the door cautiously, brushing my fingertips over the satin finish. My senses are heightened as I can feel the grain of the wood in i t’ s delicate pattern under the white smoothness.
    The storm is settling slowly as I turn my back to the door and slide down i t’ s length until I am met by the hard wooden floor beneath me. I’ m not sure how much time passes. It could have just as likely been one or ten minutes, hardly enough time for the prickly bumps along my arms to smooth. I wrap them around my knees, pulling them close into me while trying to sort out wha t’ s just happened.
    Do m’ s muffled voice breaks the silence, invading my mind once again, through the door I am resting against.
    “ Hey... did you read it ? ” Pause.  “ The loses are upward of eighty thousand. We ca n’ t ignore this, I mean enough is enough. This shi t’ s got to stop, John. The y’ re forcing our hand . ”
    What? I t’ s almost eleven o’ clock at night. Why does Dom need to talk to my brother this late about business, especially if the y’ ll see each other first thing at the office? I wonder if this has anything to do with that phone call about the man in the hospital? I press my ear closer to the wood to amplify the voice behind it.
    “ Yeah, I know. The y’ re getting violent and i t’ s only a matter of time before someone gets killed. I’ ll be damned if i t’ s going to be one of our   guys. No... no. W e’ ll wai t‘ till the meeting to see what

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