Baby By Accident: International Billionaires III: The Italians

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Book: Baby By Accident: International Billionaires III: The Italians by Caro LaFever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caro LaFever
    “You're right, S.” Tracy's grin came, sudden and blinding. “Damn, Lise. When you decide to go for it, you really go all the way.”
    “Literally.” Suz's smile was no less broad. “And figuratively.”
    “Stop.” Her harsh breathing filled the kitchen as her two friends stumbled into silence. “This isn't about his looks. This isn't a joke.”
    “Kiddo.” Tracy's grin wilted into a pained grimace. “You're right.”
    “Hey.” Her best friend’s gaze shone with regret. “We are just stunned at you finally taking a chance. Finally doing something wild—”
    “And look where it's gotten me. I'm pregnant.”
    Both of her friends rounded the counter and huddled beside her, their arms intertwining.
    “We're here for you,” Tracy whispered. “Whatever you decide to do—”
    “I'm keeping the baby. Raising it on my own.”
    “Cool,” Suz said. “You're going to be a fantastic mother.”
    “I’m not telling him.”
    “Right.” Her other friend’s tone was bracing and cheerful. “He'd be a terrible father.”
    “He might ask you when you start to show.” Suz frowned. “He might push for a test or something.”
    “Hardly,” Lise snorted. She stamped down her conscience and focused on her resentment at his behavior towards her instead. “The man has no interest in babies. He’s going to assume it’s Robert’s. Even if the idea flitted through his mind that the baby might be his, he wouldn’t ask. He wouldn’t want to know.”
    “You’re sure?” Suz still appeared concerned.
    “Positive.” She scowled in defiance. At him. At her conscience. “This baby is mine. All mine.”

Chapter 5
    T here was something wrong with her.
    Vico stared across the boardroom at the Princesse, in her usual place at the other end. Even after winning the battle for the direction of his company, he’d still found it impossible to unseat her or her influence. He now commanded almost as much respect as she held in her dainty hand. However, this hadn’t diminished the respect and affection the staff and board felt for Ms. Helton. They still wanted her here. They still believed in her. Thus, the stubborn woman still fought her fruitless campaign opposing his ideas.
    The stubborn woman who currently looked like her best friend had recently died.
    This had started…Vico drummed his fingers on the table… it had started about a month ago. The pallor. The dark smudges under her eyes. The weight loss.
    He’d heard, through the office grapevine, of her broken engagement.
    Had she broken off with her fiancé because of him? Because of what they’d done together? Had his usual pattern of impetuous behavior ruined her hopes and dreams?
    Exactly as his actions had ruined another person’s life many years ago.
    Guilt had been his constant companion during the last month, roiling inside. Along with the guilt, another heated emotion had pounded in his chest as he worked beside her, observed her, listened for her voice in the office hallways. Desperate hope had bloomed; an emotion he’d been incredulous to find in his heart.
    Idiota . Pazzo.
    Si , he was an idiot and crazy to think the Princesse would ever look at him with anything other than disgust. Not after he’d shoved her into his bed, played the role of gigolo, and ruined her engagement. So, he’d stuffed the stupid emotions down until they whimpered in defeat.
    Lise Helton’s personal life was her own business and had nothing to do with him.
    Along with stamping out all his damned emotions, he’d been fairly busy monitoring her behavior at work. Trying to keep his plans on track, trying to keep her sabotage to a minimum. She’d defied every prediction he’d made to himself about how she’d react to his end-run around her with the other stockholders. Instead of spitting fire and yelling and losing her cool—
    He’d been denied what he dreamed of.
    He’d wanted to light a fire under the woman. One way or another.
    The Princesse was made of

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