Aztec Gold

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Book: Aztec Gold by Caridad Piñeiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caridad Piñeiro
solace from the union of their lips. His actions greedy as he slipped his hands to her sides to press her upward and opened his mouth over hers time and time again, tasting her. Urging her to open her mouth to his, which she did, accepting the tentative thrust of his tongue and meeting it with hers.
    She flattened her body against his, shocked by the hardness of new muscle and the jut of his erection. His skin was hot beneath her hands. Irregular where her fingers encountered the scars of his wounds, but smooth elsewhere and slightly damp with sweat.
    The sweat roused the unique smell of him. She dragged in a breath and memorized it, wanting to experience every nuance of this moment. Of coming together with him again, ignoring any warning bells ringing in her head about the fact that anything having to do with Rafe could not be the way it had been before.
    The time apart had changed both of them. It would take time for them to rediscover each other. There was even the possibility that this moment was all they would ever have again after that journey.
    But she wouldn’t waste a second of this much-wished-for reunion with doubt.
    Bringing her hands back around to his chest, she laid them against his thick pectoral muscles and rubbed the hard nubs of his nipples.
    He moaned into her mouth at her caress and immediately responded, eagerly easing his hands beneath the hem of her light tank top, roughly pulling it upward to expose her upper body. As he tugged on the shirt impatiently, the fabric ripped beneath his hands, but he seemed too anxious to worry about the damage and all she wanted was to feel his skin along hers.
    She continued her caress, plucking at his nipples. Wanting him to do the same to hers, which had tightened into hard peaks from the passion of their kisses and her anticipation of making love with him.
    With a shaky hand, he ran the pads of his fingers over the swells of her breasts exposed by the demi-cups of her bra before he released the clasp. Her breasts spilled free and he immediately cupped them in his big hands. Teased his fingers along the hard peaks before gently rotating them between his thumb and forefinger.
    Heat erupted between her legs as well as intense dampness as she became slick with want of his possession. It had been six long months. Lonely months imagining a moment much like this and yet she didn’t want to rush it for the world.
    As he caressed her, she leaned forward and placed a kiss in the gap directly above his heart. With her tongue, she tasted him, salty and all male, before shifting her mouth to one of his nipples and sucking on it. The pull of her mouth soft at first, but then growing more daring as she gave the tip a love bite that dragged a ragged shudder from him and had him cupping her head close.
    “ Dios , Cyn. There hasn’t been a night I haven’t dreamed of being with you again.”
    “You’re not dreaming this time, Rafe. I’m here and I’ve been wishing for this with all my heart.”
    Her words released whatever restraint he might have possessed until then and dashed any plans she might have had for a slow taking. With determined hands he stripped away all her remaining clothes, pausing only to place a kiss here and there on the flesh he revealed.
    She had barely managed to rip off his pants before he eased her onto the edge of the cot and gently spread her legs.
    He stilled then, glancing down at her as she lay before him.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he tracked a hand down the length of her body, awakening heat as he slipped his thumb over her center and caressed the swollen nub.
    “Rafe,” she cried out at the touch and lifted her hips, inviting him to join with her.
    He didn’t hesitate a second longer, plunging into her moist depths with a powerful surge of his hips.
    His rough entry pulled a gasp from her, stunned as she was by the force of it and the need that vibrated from his body and into hers. Shocked as she was by the sense of something

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