Azrael's Light [Demon Runners of Unearth] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Read Online Azrael's Light [Demon Runners of Unearth] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Amy J. Hawthorn - Free Book Online

Book: Azrael's Light [Demon Runners of Unearth] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Amy J. Hawthorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy J. Hawthorn
Tags: Romance
form coalescing in the park below. What was he doing in the city?
    He closed his eyes and felt his boots land soundlessly on the grass.
    “Cyril. Funny finding you in town. I didn’t think there were many bounties worth your while in the city. What’s up?”
    Cyril wiped something dark from the knife he held onto his jeans and slid it into the sheath at the hip opposite the hand holding it. The night was hot and still. The city was quiet.
    “Funny thing about renegade demons. You never know where they’ll turn up.”
    “True. Who or what are you looking for in Capital City?” There was no telling what foul beast Cyril had been sent after. He did not envy the male one bit. He’d seen him take down rabid demons three times his size without breaking a sweat. He cringed to think on what could have brought him to town.
    “Nothing too nasty yet tonight. I just dispatched two full-grown Lilitu. The numbers of runaways have tripled in the last week. Something has them running scared from Unearth.”
    “Hard to imagine what would have them willingly face a potential death sentence. The best they could hope for living on this side of the gate would be skulking in the shadows and scavenging for scraps.”
    “Yeah. I’m finding runaways in all sorts of odd places.” Cyril gave him a hard, piercing look. “How is your search going?”
    “It’s not. The only lead I have is a confusing woman who looks and smells like a human but has no Kor. There’s no Light signature marking her as an immortal. She claims to be the girl’s aunt. She swears she has no idea where to look. On that I think I believe her, but I’m not sure what to think about the rest of it.”
    “Luc has a sister? Why didn’t I know this?” Genuine confusion marked Cyril’s hard face.
    “No. She claims she’s Lilith’s twin.” The confusion turned to shock and then full-blown amusement, and the Demon Runner burst into deep, booming, laughter.
    “Good luck with that, man. She’ll have you tied in knots for sure. Apparently every female in that family is trouble.”
    “No shit. I can’t wait to wash my hands of them all.” Deep, sparkling emerald eyes flashed in his mind.
    “Have you been to Cocytus Lake lately? There’s been odd activity there also.”
    “I haven’t made a run to the ninth circle in ages. I think the Fates have forgotten the beasts that live there.” A chilly shiver wriggled its way up the back of his neck. That was one creepy-ass place, and he was happy he didn’t have to travel there often.
    “Believe it or not from time to time, I come across runaways there. You never know what you’ll find. Seriously, when you get time, you may want to check it out.”
    Yeah, like he would have time to hang out with phantom monsters for shits and giggles anytime soon. Cyril gave him a look that was nothing but life-and-death serious.
    “You should check it out. Soon.”
    “Sure.” Azrael felt for the male, he really did. Cyril worked countless hours doing nothing more than hunting down rogue beasts and demons. He spent virtually no time with regular immortals. Maybe it was finally getting to him. “I gotta get back and check in with the aunt. Take care.”
    “Sure, Az. Take care.”
    Why did Cyril sound disappointed in him? Whatever. As much as he’d like to help, he didn’t have time to sort out someone else’s drama. He was up to his eyeballs in his own mess.
    * * * *
    “Ready?” She slung her purse and the tote bag containing her boots over her shoulder and went out the door Brick held open. She wasn’t sure how she’d manage the tote on his motorcycle, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to wear another skirt tonight. So, to go with her tight-as-sin hipster jeans she’d worn her sky-high “fuck me” boots. No question they brought in the tips, but she’d changed into her old sneakers the instant the last patron walked out the door. Her feet screamed at her.
    “You’re limping. Why do you women feel

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