Avenging Autumn: Seasons Change Book 1 of 4

Read Online Avenging Autumn: Seasons Change Book 1 of 4 by Derek A Schneider - Free Book Online

Book: Avenging Autumn: Seasons Change Book 1 of 4 by Derek A Schneider Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek A Schneider
Tags: Horror, Action, vampire, Werewolf
    “ No one really knows for sure,”
James answered.
    “ What happened to him?”
    “ According to most accounts he was
mistakenly killed in battle by his own soldiers. The Turks took
credit for the kill and cut his head from the body. His head was
sent to Constantinople, where it remained on display as proof that
the Impaler was really dead. His body was laid to rest in the
isolated island monastery of Snagov.
    “ In 1931, a genealogist and an
archaeologist were assigned by Romania to dig around the island and
study the historical monuments. When Vlad’s grave was dug up his
body was gone, casket and all. There’s no telling how long it was
missing or who would have taken it. The body is still missing to
this day.”
    “ Creepy,” Jack said
    “ What about killing them?” Frank
interjected, “Tell the boys the most effective ways to take the
vampires out.”
    “ Silver bullets, decapitation, and
a stake through the heart are all very effective, the stake being
the surest and most satisfying way to dispose of them. The crucifix
and holy water are good defenses against them; however holy water
is only effective as a weapon in large amounts.
    “ In Romania, they have a ritual
that’s still practiced to this day. When a vampire is captured, he
is stripped naked; his cloths are placed in a coffin and buried in
an unmarked grave. The vampire is then taken away deep into the
forest where the heart is cut out of the chest and the body is torn
limb from limb and burned in a great fire. Lastly, the heart is
thrown into the flames. Those who have taken part in the ritual
come near the fire so as to be fumigated by the smoke. All should
be burned; flesh and bone, or else the smallest scrap could be
enough for the vampire to materialize. Occasionally, the ashes are
collected and mixed with water to create a powerful potion for the
    “ What about garlic?” Jack
    “ Bullshit,” James responded,
“complete and utter bullshit. You throw some garlic up in front of
a vampire and he’ll grind it into powder and sprinkle it on your
neck just before he sinks his teeth in.”
    “ Thanks, James, I think that will
do for now,” Frank said.
    “ Not a problem, you guys just stick
with those silver bullets and you’ll be just fine. I’m here anytime
you need me, just give me a ring.”
    “ Alright, talk to you
    Jack ended the call and looked at his
    Noticing the expression on his face, Frank
said; “Don’t look so nervous, we’re going to be just fine. It will
be daylight soon and we’ll go in, take care of these guys while
they’re sleeping, and that will be the end of it.”
    Jack still looked doubtful. Frank glanced over
his shoulder and saw Benny was asleep with Autumn still laying
against his chest, twirling her hair, an expression of deep
con-centration on her face.
    “ Aren’t you tired, Autumn?” Frank
    “ I don’t think I need sleep
anymore,” she answered in a distant tone.
    “ Alright, what about you Jack? You
look like you could use some rest.”
    Jack let out a deep sigh, “Yeah, I suppose I
    He leaned over and rested his head against the
win-dow. Knowing his father’s trouble with sleeping lately, he was
confident he wouldn’t dose off while he was driving. Jack thought
he could never sleep after the night’s events. Five seconds after
that thought he was asleep.
    When he awoke it was daylight, and they were
sitting in front of a large house a couple of miles south of Gary,
Indi-ana, with the sun rising in the east.
    More killing was about to begin.

    7. The First Five

    Benny’s car was in the shop the night they
went to the concert, and as much as he despised Jack’s friend,
Marvin, he and Autumn were forced to hitch a ride with the two of
them, as they were heading to the concert as well.
    The show went well. L7 was the opening act and
they were alright, but nothing to write home about. Manson and his
band put on an

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