Audacity (Warner's World Book 5)

Read Online Audacity (Warner's World Book 5) by Dave O'Connor - Free Book Online

Book: Audacity (Warner's World Book 5) by Dave O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave O'Connor
Tags: adventure, Romance, Space Opera, Military, Sci-Fi, Warner's World, Book 5 of Warner’s World
horizontally. He angled his head to minimise the impact.
    The door of the Dregun shuttle opened as he neared. No helping hand was offered as he struggled against the wind to climb aboard. But just inside from the hatch was Meeka. ‘He’s aged a lot’ thought Bakun. ‘Who am I to talk’ he added to himself.
    There was no hand offered just a wave towards the small table. Bakun threw off his hood and undid the top of his jacket. Rivulets of water ran down the waterproofed material and onto the floor of the cabin as he walked to the table. He was careful to ensure his jacket was positioned so the water dripped down away from his seat.
    Both rogan looked warily at each other. Finally Meeka spoke. “It must be what eighteen years?” Bakun nodded. “Neither of us really wants to be reminded about how old we are though” said Meeka with a weak smile. Again Bakun nodded. “So, have you done it?”
    “It’s done” and Bakun pulled out a computer stick and passed it across the table. “That has all the details you need. The account has the sum you asked for. The surgeon and the shuttle will be waiting at the coordinates specified. I have made the necessary arrangements. You are now the Likta Corporation manager at Dyritka spaceport. It’s on…”
    “I know where it is. I don’t want that place.”
    “Look you come here out of the blue and ask me to set you up with a new identity and a new job in less than six hours. That is all that’s possible right now. Of course if you would rather come back in a few weeks’ time then be my guest.” Bakun stared Meeka down.
    Meeka was annoyed but he could not afford to hang around. “All right then, but you will affect a transfer to a system away from the humans within the month.”
    “I will try.”
    “You will do better than that.”
    “Look Meeka we have to wait for a natural vacancy. Otherwise it will draw unnecessary attention. Neither of us wants that.”
    Meeka snorted. He knew Bakun was right but he didn’t like it nonetheless.
    “I want the recording” demanded Bakun.
    “Do you think I’m crazy. You’re not getting it, ever! Get used to that.”
    “If you get caught, you know they will get that recording and that will mean not just my death but that of my family.”
    “Well you better make sure I don’t get caught. Get me that transfer to an inner system.”
    “I could find you sanctuary there now but not in a paid position. Why is the job important to you?”
    “That’s not your concern.”
    “It is when my family’s safety is on the line. You have to realise that you cannot do anything which would attract attention.”
    “Don’t worry” said Meeka “I won’t.” But silently to himself he added ‘Well not initially anyway.’
    “Why did you murder Assani?” asked  Bakun, changing the subject.
    Meeka smarted at the question and then spat out “for the same reason you murdered Dectox, survival.”
    “That was different and you know it. He was going to get us all killed.”
    “Yes it was different. He was your superior officer and we all know what that means - an automatic death penalty; no ameliorating circumstances – the rogan way.”
    “The Imperialist way you mean” spat back Bakun.
    “Oh spare me. I think it’s time you left. Don’t forget the transfer. You have till the end of the month.”
    Bakun gave a last foul look at Meeka, turned and pulled on his hood. He was still fastening the jacket as he exited. He took the opportunity to affix the tracking device to the inside of the hatch door-well just before it closed. He walked back across to his shuttle a little more content than he had been coming the other way. 

Chapter 23. Phantom in Qwantum 1500, 6 August
    “Finally” said Aubrey upon hearing the news that they were now sufficiently far away from Q4 to attempt a warp. She glanced around the command centre, saw that everyone was at their station and nodded to 1 st Lt Tola Puchanski, her XO who had the watch.

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