Assassin P.I.
unattended cash register. The drawer opened with a ding and she dipped her fingers into the silver coins. She selected a shiny token and turned it over in her hand, contemplating Marco’s words.
    He was a douchebag for sure, but just how far was he willing to go to keep his girls in line? Was he capable of murder? Was he the one who killed Trevor?
    Was she in danger?
    Clenching her trembling hand to cover the rage that raced through her body, Angie suddenly turned to face Marco. “Here’s a dime. Get yourself another girl ‘cause I quit.”
    She thrust the coin into his hand, brushed past him, and headed for her dressing room. Ten minutes later, she strode out of the club, her belongings hastily thrown into a duffle bag. Afraid she’d be forced to confront Marco again, she held her head high, determined to stand her ground, but Marco was nowhere to be found. She waited until she got outside before she succumbed to the tears that had been building ever since Jack had hauled her off the stage. More alone than she’d ever felt before, she headed home.
    Time for a new game plan.

Chapter 7
    It was early when Jack headed into the office the next morning. Still feeling guilty over his harsh treatment of Angie, sleep had eluded him, leaving him out of sorts and cranky. By the time he dragged his ass out of bed and took a scalding hot shower, he was almost starting to feel human again.
    He hated to admit it, but he hadn’t been thinking clearly ever since Angie had waltzed through his door. It wasn’t so much that she’d lied to him, but that she’d used him.
    She was up to something. He just couldn’t figure out what. Whatever it was, it was a disaster waiting to happen.
    Shedding his jacket, he removed his hat, tossing it onto the desk, and rubbed the stubble on his face. He was feeling every minute of his age and his body was not recovering as quickly as he would like after the beating he’d taken the other day.
    Shamus greeted him and climbed onto his shoulder. “Here comes trouble.”
    “Shut up, Shamus.”
    “Fuck off, Jack,” the tart bird responded but nuzzled against Jack’s face.
    Jack crossed the room, opened a cabinet, and took out a bottle of aspirin.
    “Here, let me,” a voice smooth as satin purred from somewhere nearby.
    “Trouble’s here,” Shamus insisted then hopped off of Jack’s shoulder and onto the countertop.
    Jack spun around, coming face to face with Angie. She looked just as enticing during the daytime as she did at night. She’d swapped her seductive dress and heels for a demure business suit but it did little to hide her curves. Any makeup she wore only highlighted the natural beauty of her almond-shaped eyes and lush lips.
    “How did you get in?” First his office is broken into, by a dame no less, and then he doesn’t notice her sitting there waiting for him? Some private eye he was.
    “You’re not the only one who knows how to pick a lock, my darling. It’s one of the many skills you taught me that I still remember, and can use to my advantage.” She took the bottle from him and opened it, coaxing two pills into her palm.
    Skills indeed. Angie had a unique talent for wrapping a man around her fingers. No matter how many dolls he’d tangoed with between the sheets, he’d never been able to forget Angie. Or the skillful way she used her fingers.
    Or her mouth.
    Grabbing the half-filled flask from the counter, he took the pills and chased them down to calm his heart that suddenly jumped into overdrive.
    “You know you shouldn’t mix pills and booze. They say it’ll kill ya.” She hopped up onto the counter, crossing her legs at the knees.
    What did she care? Maintaining eye contact, he took another gulp, emptying the container. He didn’t bother to tell her the flask was filled with water. “What are you doing here?”
    Walking away from her was the only way to keep a level head.
    “I needed a job, and from the looks of things, you need me. Or at the very least you

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