Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School

Read Online Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School by H.B. Lawson - Free Book Online

Book: Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School by H.B. Lawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.B. Lawson
Tags: Education, school, Diaries, autism, syndrome, aspergers, diary, asperger
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work long before ten o’
clock. Mum asked me if all the other kids had finished the French
as well as their other homework. The teacher hadn’t shouted at
anyone else, so they must have. Perhaps their parents let them work
on their homework after ten o’ clock.
    The Physics
teacher said it was the fault of the class that he didn’t get
through the lesson today. It wasn’t my fault. It was his fault
because he didn’t control the class properly. Some boys were
messing about all the way through the lesson. The teacher should
have sent them out, so we could get on with the lesson. All he did
was keep telling them to be quiet. I had to finish the work off at
home which isn’t fair.
    A boy kept
throwing balls of paper at me when I came home on the bus. One
nearly hit me in the eye. I told him to stop, but he wouldn’t, so I
moved to a different seat. I must have left my backpack under the
first seat because I didn’t have it with me when I arrived
    Jamie scared me
to death when he came charging into our room at some ungodly hour
this morning. He said he couldn’t get to sleep. Andrew didn't stir
of course. He never does. A nuclear bomb wouldn’t wake him once he
is asleep. I don’t know what time Jamie eventually managed to get
off to sleep. It must have been late because this morning I had to
chase him around to make sure he showered, and got dressed in time
to catch the bus. I’m sure he would have stayed at home today if I
had let him.
    Jamie came home
from school without his backpack. He was adamant he had it with him
when he left school, so it had to be on the bus. It took several
telephone calls to the bus company before I eventually managed to
track it down. I had to drive over to the bus depot to claim it. By
the time I had got back, it was almost six o’ clock. Jamie had a go
at me because dinner was late.
    We eventually
sat down for dinner just before seven o’ clock. Jamie was very
quiet. I made the mistake of asking if he had got any homework. He
said he had lots – as usual. Then he complained he had lost a lot
of time because it had taken me so long to fetch his backpack.

    16th September
    In today’s
swimming lesson, the teacher said we had to do back crawl. I’ve
never swum back crawl before. I can’t see the point in swimming all
of these different strokes. As long as you can swim what does it
matter what stroke you do? Afterwards, when we were getting
changed, one of the boys said I swim like a girl. Then he hit me
across the back with his wet swimming trunks. It cracked on my
back, and really stung. I said I would tell the teacher if he did
it again. He called me a little grass, and said I have to be
careful I don’t fall in the swimming pool and drown.
    When I got on
the bus after school today, the only free seat was next to the fat
boy who pushed me on the floor last week. I didn’t want to sit next
to him again, so I got off the bus and walked home. It was raining,
and I got soaked. Mum picked me up when I was about half way home.
I don’t want to go on the school bus again. I never know which seat
I am going to be in, and I don’t like it when I have to sit at the
back because some of the boys who sit there are mean. Mum said she
will take me to school in the car from now on.
    Jamie didn’t
arrive home on time after school today. I had no idea where he was.
I rang Lesley, but she had gone straight into town with Courtney. I
thought about ringing the school, but I didn’t want them to think I
was a paranoid mother. I know there are lots of after-school clubs,
but Jamie had never shown any interest in them. I did wonder if he
had left his backpack on the bus again, and was afraid to come home
without it. In the end my nerves got the better of me, so I decided
to drive to school. About half way there I spotted him walking
home. He was soaked to the skin. He said some of the boys on the
bus had

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