Army Beasts Resurrection

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Book: Army Beasts Resurrection by Dahlia Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dahlia Rose
Tags: Interracial erotic romance
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got ready to enter the building , and again it hit him in the gut how he ’d walked away from all of them. Casey still gave him a look now and then that was filled with betrayal and hurt. But along with that he saw relief in his friend’s eyes. He knew how Casey thought, and each day he was alive he probably thought about how that entire situation came to be. He would have blame d himself every day , even though Stavros had made the choice to grab that wire. There wasn’t enough apologies that could go around for what Stavros had put them through. There was enough time for them to get reconnected after a year . R ight now his mission was to find Amari alive.
    “Com check . , G uys , put your earpieces in . ” Camden passed out the small ear bud rec e i vers. “Alpha, bravo, Charlie, One , two and three, are we good?”
    “Roger that , ” they all answered.
    Casey turned. “Ok ay, just like we went through it on the plane . W e go in hot. Stavros and Malachi are through the door first. Kale has both y our clothes and your weapon s . He goes in right after you and secure s the interior. We’ll secure the outside for any runner , and we round them up nice and pretty for the cops . A live would be great , b ut if they get froggy and want to jump , take ’ em down. We all clear ? ” He waited for the nods and then turned to Stavros and Malachi. “Shift in the woods and then we head in.”
    Stavros and Malachi headed into he trees a nd in minutes came back out in the form of their second nature . Malachi in his bear from was bigger that normal bears , and with the dark fur , ominous to look at. Stavros felt wonderful in the guise of his tiger. It was as if all the inpatient tension in his human body now pulsed through the power and the muscles beneath the white fur. The weakness in his left side was not as bad as it usually was when he ran in Alaska. He wondered if it was the connection back with they guys of Army Beasts that made him feel stronger.
    They headed in, the team members who had not shifted with their guns up and night vision on. No one made a sound , and not even a dry branch on the ground cracked beneath their feet. They all knew the job , it was what made them so deadly in either form.
    The boat house was just to the side, and there was a small amount a light coming through the dirty window. Casey, Cam and Zane took the root that led to the part of the boathouse th at was connected to the small boat dock. Stavros moved with Malachi toward the front with Kale and Zander. No cars were anywhere around , so they must have come in the small boat that was moored on the other side of the lake. Stavros had no doubt they planned to kill Amari and sink her in the lake when they got the evidence she had. He was not going to allow that to happen.
    “We’re in position . I t’s a go . ” Casey’s voice came through the com munications units in their ears. Cam had design ed the units so that they fit in their ears when they were in shift. The man was a genius in Stavros ’s opinion , because the units work ed perfectly. Zander gave them a terse nod before he and Kale bre eched the door with a smooth kick. With a roar , Stavros went in and Malachi followed.
    There were four men in the room , and they screamed and yelled when they saw the wild animals enter . Two of them ran for the back door that led to the dock , right into Casey and those with him. Malachi stood on his hind legs and roared before pouncing on one man and pining him under his massive body. Zander used a sleek move to take the other one out buy hitting him the face with the butt of his AK-47. Stavros looked around wildly and saw no sign of Amari . H e roared in anger and fear , thinking she was already dead.
    “ What the fuck is goin g on out here!” Dr. Bascombe rushed out a second door . His eyes widen ed in fear when Stavros’s white tiger turned to face him.
    Stavros charged with a snarl as the not - so - good doctor stood frozen in fear. He

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