damn, Nico was good, no, he was better than good –the fucking best!
    “Is he in there?” Tony asked.
    “Sí, as well as his entourage.”
    “How the hell do you get this information?”
    “In due time young buck…in due time you’ll learn.”
    Nico began moving his fingers on the remote control and blip sounds emanated.
    “What’s moving?” Tony asked.
    “A drone.”
    “You gotta’ be kidding, from this distance?”
    Nico turned to inspect Tony to see if he was joking, but the man was serious. “How the hell do you think a lot of military operations work nowadays? Not everything requires a man on the ground.” He passed Tony the control and gave a quick tutorial. “When you see the target line up, push that button and see fireworks happen.”
    Tony moved the lever forward on the device until he lined up with the fragmented lines which formed a circle. Nico lit the cigar and blew smoke over Tony’s shoulder as the drone connected to the coordinates.
    Tony asked, “Now?”

“No, we can sit here until tomorrow and miss that dinner party in you and Tiffany’s honor. Of course ora.”
    Tony chuckled. “Smart ass.” He hit the button and a succession of loud beeps resounded and the words : GAME OVE R , appeared in bold red letters on the screen.
    “Game over,” Nico stated emphatically. He disassembled the equipment. The items went back in his tote bag and he was on his feet, puffing his cigar, talking in between pulls about having to wear a damn suit because his wife liked when he was polished.
    Tony laughed. “How does she put up with your irritable ass?”
    “I don’t know; ask her tonight because I’m still mystified.”
    C hapter Eight
    Giuseppe winked at Carlo. “Ready?”
    “Bene. We must be well-behaved today, sí?”
    Carlo picked his nose, nodding. “Sí.”
    Giuseppe frowned. He removed an antiseptic wipe from the container and hurriedly cleaned the boy’s finger. “Use tissue, ah, we are not refined. Nicole is a classical pianist. We must show we are cultured.” Giuseppe rambled.
    Carlo giggled as his papa continued to scrub his finger until the skin glowed pink.
    “Okay, we are ready…do you think we have over dressed for the museum?” he asked Carlo who wore Amelda’s children’s wear. The khaki pants were dark blue with miniature elephants etched on the hem of the legs and pockets. A collar shirt with a matching theme, solid tie and soft blue loafers completed his son’s ensemble. Giuseppe wore a tailored suit with a white shirt beneath, so white it glowed.
    Giuseppe sighed when he gazed at his son. The child was precious. But what was the fascination with boogies, he wondered?
    Finally, he opened the door and stepped on to the pavement. He waited for the toddler and together they walked to the house. Well, Carlo ran ahead. He had been there before and remembered the nice ladies. Giuseppe called Nicole’s cell as he strolled forward. When she answered he informed her they had arrived. The door was opened before Giuseppe halted. Nicole stood there holding her cell, clad in jeans, a leather jacket and knee high boots. Her red hair was now blue. She did not look like a pianist but a seductive biker.
    Giuseppe’s groin pulsed.
    Behave, he told himself as she bent to kiss Carlo’s cheeks.
    When she rose, Giuseppe disregarded mannerly advice, lowered his head to her oval face and kissed her to the frame of the door until she groaned for air.
    “Umm Giuseppe, Carlo, remember?” she mumbled in his mouth.
    Giuseppe gave a lopsided grin as he pulled away. “Carlo likes to see us kiss, right figlio?”
    Carlo held Nicole around the leg. She smiled at the boy. “Okay, with two handsome men vying for my attention how do I choose?”
    “Me, I win!” Giuseppe answered. He looked down and winked at Carlo because if he won so did his son. But Carlo didn’t play fair. Women are mesmerized by Carlo’s huge blue eyes and the

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