Armando Returns (Barboza Brothers)

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Book: Armando Returns (Barboza Brothers) by Reeni Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reeni Austin
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was. Then his face suddenly lit up. “A wace caw, huh?”
    “ Yep. A car of your very own.” Victor winced as he thought a little more about how wrong it was to make this promise before discussing it with Cara. And how stupid he was to try to have this conversation with Isaac in the first place. “Now, you have to promise me you won’t go back to the house tonight and tell Mommy what we talked about. But you can tell her all about it in a few days, okay?”
    “ It’s a supwise fuh Mommy.” Isaac grinned. “Wight?”
    “ Yes. A surprise for Mommy.” Victor let out a long, quiet sigh, doubtful that Isaac would keep anything secret for long. But at least Victor hadn’t mentioned any of his specific plans. “Come on, let’s go back to the house. It’s time for dessert.”
    “ Ooh !” Isaac hopped up and started toward the house as Victor followed along.
    On the way there, Victor asked Isaac more about his day at the ranch and all the animals he had met. Hopefully he could distract Isaac enough to make him forget all about their talk.
    For the rest of the evening, Victor was able to successfully divert Isaac ’s attention. All he had to do was get the boy talking about something else, or walking around the ranch with him and Ramon while Cara stayed inside and made some phone calls. The next day, Victor knew he would have to distract Isaac during breakfast, but after that, Isaac would be running around the ranch most of the day. And at dinner time, Victor’s plans were to whisk Cara away for a romantic evening alone.
    All things considered, Victor felt like the secret of his proposal was intact. That night he lay in bed with the covers turned down, waiting for Cara to come upstairs after tucking Isaac in for the night.
    Victor smiled and propped himself up on his arm when Cara entered the room. “What happened? Was he already asleep, like last night? He really wears himself out during the day.”
    “ No.” Cara squinted in confusion as she took off her robe and draped it over the back of a chair. Wearing only a short, silky nightgown, she slipped under the covers beside Victor. “He was really sleepy but he was still awake. And he said the strangest thing.”
    Oh no , Victor thought. “What was it?”
    “ He said he’s gonna name his baby brother ‘Texas,’ and call him ‘Tex’ for short.” Cara chuckled. “I guess he really likes it here in Texas.” She sat up, giving Victor a serious stare. “Do you know where he got the idea that he has a baby brother in his future? When I asked him about it, he just yawned and said, ‘it’s a surprise,’ and then he said ‘good night.’”
    Victor laughed as he reached over to the night stand to turn off the light. “A baby named ‘Tex.’ Sounds like the star of one of those old western movies. Where’s he come up with this stuff?”
    “ I don’t know. He never said anything to me about a brother before. It must have to do with meeting Ramon. Maybe he thinks he needs a brother because you have a brother.”
    “ Yeah, that’s probably it.” Victor put one arm around her shoulders and drew her to his side. “So, what about you?” Victor thought back to that day months earlier when he asked her if she thought about having more children. Her response had been hesitant. He decided not to ask again for a while. But now that he was about to present her with an engagement ring, he hoped it would be a good time to bring it up again. “What do you think about giving him a baby brother?”
    Cara sighed. “Why not a sister? It’s not like there’s a way to choose which one you get.”
    “ Ah.” He kissed her cheek. “So you have thought about it.”
    She let out a shy giggle. “Maybe just a little. I told you before. It all depends know...the future...”
    “ Yeah. I know. And I want you to make no mistake about my feelings. I’m in love with you, querida .” He kissed her cheek again, then her ear, where he stopped to whisper, “And

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